In the dead of night, the forest was a particularly interesting place to be. To the casual observer, it appeared silent, still, devoid of activity. Outright dormant, patiently awaiting the rising of the sun so the birds could return to the skies and all the animals could crawl back out of their holes to attend to their business. But a closer inspection revealed that wasn’t the case at all. A careful listener could hear the sounds of countless insects, all letting off unique noises that only they truly understood, blending together into a background hum that was so often taken for granted. They scurried about deep in the underbrush, hunting, scavenging, living secret lives that went completely unnoticed by the larger beings that inhabited the forest. One such being was passing by now. It was an insect as well, of that there was no doubt; the enormous wings covered in colourful scales, the antennae jutting from its head, the huge compound eyes, they all left no secret of its nature. This insect, however, was blessed with a size that far exceeded any of its leaf-crawling siblings. Its wings stretched a full three feet from end to end, wafting powerfully as it flitted through the air. It was a vivillon, and a particularly beautiful specimen, at that. Its wings were a vibrant mixture of pink, teal, and white, and though you’d have to be either an entomologist or another vivillon to tell from a glance, the black scales at the tips were arranged in just such a way that made it quite clear that this one was a female. Slightly less subtle was her age—from her relatively small size and the shininess of her chitin, she had to have evolved recently, probably no more than a week ago. Vivillon, as with most butterflies, weren’t known for being nocturnal. This one was no exception. From the way she swooped between the trees, sometimes only narrowly avoiding slamming face-first into a trunk, it was clear that this vivillon was quite tired. But at the same time, the way her antennae twitched and jerked from side to side constantly, like they were scanning for something, made it clear that sleep was a non-possibility. She was scared. That wasn’t a particularly odd state to be in for those in the forest. No matter what breed of creature you were, there was always something to be wary of lurking just behind the next tree. The bugs feared the birds, the birds feared the cats, the cats feared the wolves, the wolves feared any other predators that felt lucky enough to take a shot at them. This particular vivillon wasn’t feeling such a broad, all-encompassing fear as that, though. Her fear was somewhat more specific. At some point—what had to be a few hours ago now, considering the sun was still up when it happened—she’d gotten separated from her family. She wasn’t sure exactly how it’d happened. One minute, she was stopping to sip some nectar from a particularly large red flower. Then, she noticed another one just beside it, this one orange and just as large. So, obviously, she stopped to sample it as well. And then there was the blue one, and the violet one, and the yellow… By the time she’d finished trying them all, she was alone, the rest of her family having flown off into the forest without her. Her name was Amelie, and she was afraid because she was completely, utterly, and hopelessly lost. She looped around the trunk of a particularly large oak, flying up and touching down onto one of the sturdier branches. It offered her a decent amount of height, giving her enough of a view of the area for her to realise that she recognized absolutely none of it. There were no familiar configurations of trees, no patches of flowers that helped her get her bearings. At some point in her rush to reunite with her family, she’d gotten completely turned around, and now the forest seemed a darker, far more unfamiliar place. Letting out a sigh, Amelie hopped down from the tree, fluttering back down to the ground. As frightening as it was to be lost, it was equally as frustrating. Everything in the forest looked the same, just trees, flower, all sorts of plant life—yet all of it was wrong, just slightly different from what she knew. Without any knowledge of the area, all she could do was pick a direction and fly in it, which only seemed to drive her ever deeper into the unknown. Further and further away from everyone and everything she knew. The worst part of it was the need to be stealthy about it. She couldn’t just fly around, shouting at the top of her lungs for her family. She couldn’t even poke her head through the canopy above to get a better view of the area. Every sound she made, every time she dared expose herself, it was a risk. Luck had been on her side thus far, but it would only take one ill-timed move to attract the attention of some predator or other, and it’d all be over. Noctowl were definitely known to frequent these woods, and if she caught the eye of one of those, then there was no way she’d be able to escape. So, Amelie continued on as she had for the past however long she’d been doing this, flying through the trees and over the busy forest floor on towards whatever fate awaited her deeper in the woods. --- The cold was something Amelie had started to notice over the past thirty minutes. It wasn’t an intense cold, being that it was only early fall, but it was present nonetheless. A chill that started to creep into her now that the last remnants of the sun’s heat were starting to dissipate, leaving only the moist air of the forest that was all too willing to suck the warmth from her body. Amelie shivered, flapping her wings harder in hopes that the activity would help keep her a bit warmer. For most animals, it wouldn’t have been much of a problem—they all had coats of fur, thick layers of fat, all sort of things to protect them from the elements. Vivillon weren’t nearly so lucky. They were cold blooded, and without the light of the sun to warm them, life very quickly became a shivery, unpleasant experience. Still, she pushed on. This time of year, the temperature wouldn’t be able to drop low enough to keep her from flying, so the most it could do was make her uncomfortable. The idea of stopping and waiting until morning occurred to Amelie, perhaps even managing to get some small amount of sleep on one of the nearby trees, but she pushed it from her mind. It wasn’t safe here. She would be able to sleep all she wanted when she was somewhere where she knew she wouldn’t get eaten by any horrible creature that happened to chance upon her while she was unconscious. Time passed, as it tends to do. Amelie kept flying, moving as silently through the forest as she could manage, by some miracle managing to avoid attracting the attention of any predators. Her surroundings continued to change as she ventured further into the unknown, shifting in ways that were just significant enough to notice, but not enough so that she could say exactly what they were or what they meant. Amelie wanted to curse, to shout out her anger to the trees around her, as if it was their fault that she didn’t know where she was. Then, her surroundings changed in a way that was not nearly so subtle. As Amelie pushed her way through a thick line of bushes, she could see something bright shining ahead. It was the light of the moon, filtering in through the trees just ahead, completely unaffected by the thick canopy above. A clearing? There were no clearings this big in the area of the forest she’d grown up in. Amelie touched down onto the ground and crept forward, filled with both unease and curiosity. All the gradual shifting of the woods from before was completely thrown out the window when she stuck her head through those trees. On one side there was the forest, trees densely packed together, and on the other side there was nothing but vast, rolling plains. It was like an invisible line had been drawn in the earth, some unspoken boundary that the woods refused to cross. Out there, not a single tree dared sprout, only grass, flowers, and weeds as far as the eye could see. Amelie gulped. It was a gorgeous view, to be sure. She was on something of a hill, so the entire field stretched out down below her, wafting in the night breeze and glistening in the light of the moon with the beginnings of morning dew. Even the scent was different—instead of all the wood, moss, and damp of the forest, there was only fresh air, slightly tinged with the smell of flowers. Were it any other situation, she might’ve stopped to take it all in and enjoy the sight. But right now, this wasn’t some beautiful piece of scenery to be enjoyed, but a sign of exactly how far she was from home. She’d been going the entirely wrong direction, and if she dared step foot out into that plain, she’d be easy pickings for any predator that took even a casual glance at the area. But what else was she supposed to do? Turn around and stomp back into the forest and get even more lost? So, devoid of a plan and with rapidly diminishing hopes, Amelie stepped back and started fluttering along the edge of the plains, hidden just behind the treeline. Maybe she’d find something that could help her, maybe she’d just get even more turned around, but at least she could keep flapping her wings instead of standing still and freezing. She continued along that path for awhile, moving up and down with the rolling of the ground beneath her, flying ever forward until the moon hung high in the sky. The forest remained foreign and inscrutable, and the plains were still that odd mixture of captivating and terrifying, inviting and deadly. But there was something different about them. Now there were lights in the distance, coming into view as Amelie crested the newest hill in her path. They were bright, reminding her of the volbeat and illumise she occasionally saw flying through the forest, but these clearly weren’t from another bug. These were too constant, none of the flickering that she saw with the firefly pokémon, and too bright. And the sheer amount of them! They spilled out across the plain as far as she could see, stretching from side to side and off towards the horizon. There were all sorts of lights. Some were small and fast, zipping along little black paths on the ground. Others were more static, either jammed onto the top of posts scattered all over the place, or shining out of… things. She didn’t quite know how to describe them. They were huge boxes, the smaller ones as tall as trees and just as wide, made out of what looked like blocks of stone. They were clustered together, all neat and ordered, and Amelie could see humans coming in and out of little holes near the bottom. She guessed that they had to live in those things, but why they needed dwellings that were hundreds of times their size, she couldn’t say. One in the centre of it all particularly grabbed her attention. It towered over all the others, stretching up like a claw trying to scratch the surface of the sky. The whole thing was a ruddy orange colour, and far up near the top, there was a huge, white circle. It was brilliantly lit, allowing Amelie to see that it was covered in little black markings all along its circumference, with two black sticks pointing at them spinning slowly around its centre. It was a clock tower. Amelie didn’t know that, of course—all she knew was that this was the strangest thing she’d ever seen. Even if she didn’t recognize the structure itself, she knew that there was only one kind of creature that built such things: humans. Amelie didn’t know a great deal about humans. Other vivillon she knew had told her vague stories about them, some presenting them as cold and distant with powers beyond comprehension, others painting them more as cruel overlords that cut down vast swaths of forest for seemingly no reason. No matter who she’d talked to about them, the recommendation was always to avoid them if she valued her life and her freedom. But now, her mind was starting to see opportunity alongside the danger. That clock tower offered a lot of height. If she got to the top of it, chances were good that she’d be able to see the whole forest, maybe even get her bearings and fly back home. There wouldn’t be any danger of being attacked by a predator—anything that preyed on vivillon tended to stick to the woods, and certainly wouldn’t be too keen on going near a human settlement. Besides, humans were diurnal, weren’t they? Nobody would even notice her. It certainly beat flying around the forest all night. Marshalling her courage, Amelie fluttered out of the woods and onward towards civilization. The trip across the plains was nerve-wracking. Even though she couldn’t see anything overhead, the danger of flying predators had been ingrained in Amelie so strongly that she still found herself glancing up towards the sky every few feet, just in case. There was never anything up there but the moon and the stars, not a cloud in sight. No birds the first time she checked, nor the second, third, fourth, fifth… By the time Amelie had gotten halfway into the thirty range, she’d finally reached the edge of the human’s domain, coming up on a smaller building sat right alongside one of those black paths they seemed to base all their construction around. Amelie had stayed far away from that path while she was flying over, of course. Although things seemed relatively quiet at this time of night, there still seemed to be some activity when it came to those paths—she’d gotten a little too close earlier, and one of those fast little lights had come by, revealing that those lights were attached to a big, loud metal box, carrying one of the humans inside. It’d been a good five feet away, but she could still feel the wind coming off it from how fast it was going, and the rumbling roar it made as it went. That was enough of whatever those were for one lifetime, Amelie thought. So, fluttering over the fence surrounding its back yard, Amelie made her way around the first building and on towards the next. She’d find that to be a technique she’d return to time and time again as she broke through the outer layer of the city, progressing tirelessly towards the clock tower standing proudly at its heart. Unlike the sharp divide between the forest and the plains, the transition from the suburbs to the urban core of the city was far easier to miss for someone unfamiliar with human building practices. While the rows of near-identical houses of the suburb were quite clearly distinct from the tall apartments and stores of the city to someone who’d grown up among such things, to someone like Amelie, they were all just so much brick and mortar. One thing she did notice, though, was the lack of trees. The suburbs had at least one or two around every house, often small and decorative, but there nonetheless. There was all sorts of greenery there, a combination of hedges, whatever people planted in their gardens, and the exceptionally kempt lawns surrounding every home. As she got further into the city, there was less and less of that. Those lawns started to disappear, giving way to crisscrossing streets and sidewalks that looped around apartments, offices, and all other manner of towering buildings that stretched up high over her head. Soon, she found herself in a forest of an entirely different type than the one she was used to, one made of concrete and glass. A proper human jungle. It was getting more difficult to stay out of sight, with the increasing density of the buildings and rapidly disappearing yards. Often, Amelie had no choice but to cut right across the open road, zipping under streetlights whenever the street seemed safe. Everything was rather quiet this time of night, with empty sidewalks and only the occasional vehicle passing through, but her heart pounded in her chest regardless. She was deep in unfamiliar territory, slipping between the homes of a species that no doubt held dark designs for her if she dared catch their attention. Amelie would still be nervous even if she was outright invisible. Amelie had started cutting through alleyways in hopes of keeping concealed, which seemed to work, for the most part. They were often dingy and foul smelling, but they offered quick routes to cut ever deeper into the city. Occasionally, she would stop in one, setting down beside a dumpster to rest her wings just out of sight of the street. The trip was proving to be far longer and far more tiresome than she’d expected, and sometimes, she felt herself nodding off as she sat. But she couldn’t allow that; she had a mission. So, whenever she felt herself starting to fade, she’d grab one of her antennae and tug. The pain did a good job of chasing away the grogginess, if only for a little while. Then, it was back to flying. With any luck, she’d manage to reach the tower before the moon got too low, maybe even get back out of the city before the daybreak. Maybe avoid a life cut short by a human’s inhuman desires. Maybe get back to her home and see her family again. Amelie would like that very much. Eventually, she made it. Turning around corner of an alley, she could see the tower lying just ahead, jutting out of the ground just across the street and stretching up into the sky like a monument to some mysterious god. It looked even more dazzling up close, all bright lights and finely detailed stone that was no doubt the crown jewel of some architect’s career. All that towering beauty was lost on Amelie—right now, it was nothing more than high ground. A goal. Amelie stared up. From her position on the ground, she could see that the top, instead of having solid walls like the rest of the tower below it, was made up of widely spaced pillars that revealed the bell contained inside. She didn’t necessarily understand what the bell was, much less its connection to the clock proudly displayed on all faces of the tower, but she did understand that the area housing it offered an ideal vantage point. It was high and dark enough that nobody would notice a tiny vivillon like herself, even if she was stood right on its edge. Beating her tired wings as hard as she could, Amelie took off, ascending out of the alley and up over the street towards the peak of the clock tower. --- Amelie touched down onto a small ledge set just above the clock face, right outside where the bell was housed. She staggered forward a few steps before catching herself on one of the pillars, leaning against it for a few moments while she caught her breath. She’d never had any reason to fly up so high before, and while it probably wouldn’t have been a problem under normal circumstances, it was far more exhausting to do after she’d been flying around nonstop for the better part of the night. Past the pillars and inside the clock tower itself, Amelie could see the bell up close, and finally had a grasp on how truly big it was. It had to be a good five times her size, at least, and the whole enclosure they’d set up for it was large enough to fit all of her brothers and sister—every vivillon she’d ever seen, even. Everything that humans made seemed to be enormous, like their entire society was some competition to make the biggest structure possible. Maybe it was some convoluted way of impressing mates. Whatever the reasoning behind it, Amelie didn’t really care. The humans could build their towers as high as the stars for all she cared—all she wanted to do was go back home. So, keeping one hand on the pillar to steady herself, Amelie peered out at the forest lying just past the outskirts of the city. It wasn’t quite as good a view as she’d hoped. Even when she squinted, it was difficult to make out anything in the dark of the night. Was that patch of maple over there the same one near her home? No, it was surrounded by spruce, and there was no spruce where she lived. Or was that pine? It was hard enough to tell when she was right below the trees, let alone an hour on foot. She widened her legs another foot to steady herself and leaned forward, trying her hardest to see… Then, something slammed into her back, right against the chitin between her wings. Amelie’s hands scrambled for something to grip to stop herself from tumbling off the edge of the tower, and instincts honed by the countless generations that came before her sprang into action. She started beating her wings furiously, hoping to take off into the relative safety of the air, and managed to get two feet off of the ground before she was yanked back down to the floor. Whatever had hit her now had a grip on her, and it didn’t seem keen on letting go any time soon. Struggling every inch of the way, Amelie was pulled back towards the clock tower, wings pounding uselessly against the ground. Once it’d gotten her back under the roof of the tower, whatever it was that’d grabbed her tugged her upwards with enough force to send her hurtling. Flying through the air in the exact opposite way she’d wanted, Amelie couldn’t help but let out a scream, flapping her wings in a futile effort to save herself. Then, something caught her out of the air, stopping her in an instant. Amelie was surprised to find herself still intact, rather than splattered against the brick walls of the tower. Something soft had absorbed all of her momentum, leaving her danging in mid-air. She tried to spread her wings and glide back down to the ground, but found them firmly stuck to whatever it was that’d saved her from being crushed into a flake. It felt like a net of some sort, and every fibre of it clung to her like glue, keeping her wings, along with the rest of her body, firmly pinned. Amelie tried to pry herself free, but it was no use. She had no leverage, and butterflies certainly weren’t known for their sheer strength, so she wasn’t going to be able to free herself without some sort of outside assistance. She stopped struggling, and as she did, she could feel vibrations coming through the net. It was a testament to her innocence that her first thought, however fleeting, was that it was someone coming to help her. But as the vibrations got stronger as whatever was making them came closer, she started to hear the noises. Chattering mandibles, clicking together while their owner hissed in excitement. It was then that the full weight of the situation she was in started to sink in, and Amelie felt like an idiot for not realising it earlier. This wasn’t a net she was stuck to—it was a web. And whoever was climbing it was most certainly not going to help her. Looking down, Amelie could see her captor approaching. She could only just make out the red and black of his carapace in the dark, but the purple of his eyes was far more visible, glittering maliciously. Set just above them was a single white horn, coming to a deadly point that twinkled in the moonlight. An ariados. His jaws were dripping with silk, the same silk that’d dragged her into his web to begin with. Amelie could feel her heart drop into her chest as soon as she laid eyes on him, her breath hitching for a moment before it came out as a shrill scream, accompanied by renewed thrashing in the bonds of the web. A spider. She was going to be eaten by a spider. While she was busy trying to jerk herself free, the ariados calmly crawled up next to her and dipped his head down next to her legs, spewing a burst of silk over them that rapidly dried and adhered her even more securely to the rest of the web. He did the same with her hands, then her wings, making sure she was properly pinioned before crawling back through to the other side of the web. This was it. He was going to kill her, or worse, eat her alive. She could already imagine his jaws clamping down just behind her head, filling her with his venom… But there was no sharp piercing pain on the back of her neck, no poison pumping into her veins. Instead, there was something else: the underside of the spider’s abdomen, pressing up against her back through the web and rubbing against her. Two of his legs moved to her sides, gripping the vivillon’s body just under her wings and pulling her back against him for even greater pressure while he continued to grind against her. Amelie’s found her terror cut by a healthy dose of confusion, completely lost as to what he was trying to accomplish. Was he not going to eat her? Then, she felt it. Something fleshy slipping out the end of the ariados’ abdomen to slide against the back of her own, secreting some strange, thick fluid that smeared and dripped along her chitin. It was hot and constantly moving, squirming against her back like some awful, wriggling tentacle. “You’ll make a good incubator,” the ariados hissed from behind her, shifting down the web to give that questing tendril a better angle. Amelie could feel it blindly probing across her back, slowly closing the difference between itself and her abdomen, and her mind rushed to process everything that was happening. What did he mean by incubator? It took Amelie a few seconds to figure it out, but she finally managed to put the pieces together. Vivillon laid eggs, Amelie knew that—she wasn’t totally ignorant, she’d been educated on the mating habits of her species. Which meant she knew that those eggs needed to be fertilized by another male. By the sounds of it, that was what this ariados intended to do to her now. Was that even possible? Amelie had no idea, all she knew was that she didn’t want to find out. She let out a scream that faded out to nothing by the time it left the bounds of the clock tower, completely unheard by the handful of cars and people passing through the street below. Nobody was around to help her. She was completely and utterly alone, just her and the giant spider chittering above her as that strange tentacle of his steadily worked its way towards her most sensitive area. She thrashed in the bonds of the web, but the silk was too tough, too sticky. It might as well have been steel for all the good her struggling did her. So, in the absence of a physical means of escape, she turned to the next best thing she could thing of: begging. “Please don’t do this, Mister Ariados!” Amelie whined in her most plaintive tone, voice quavering with the beginning of a sob. There was no response from the spider. He just clicked his jaws, squeezed her sides slightly with his upper legs, then went right back to his goal of violating her. The slimy presence that had to be his cock had crept past the middle of her abdomen and was sliding down towards its bottom. It wouldn’t be long, now. “Just let me go! I promise I won’t tell anyone, you’ll never see me again!” “I’ll consider your offer,” the ariados said, though he didn’t stop his efforts for a second. Amelie opened her mouth for another attempt at convincing him, but no words came out, only a gasp. Something hot, wet, and firm pressed itself against the bottom of her abdomen, probing just inches from the hole it no doubt sought. The time for words had passed. Amelie was his plaything, now, and there wasn’t a thing she could say to escape her fate. Both Amelie and the ariados stiffened when the head of his dick glanced across something at the tip of her abdomen, a slight cleft in between her scales. She hoped that the spider didn’t recognize what he’d found, but judging from his reaction, there was slim hope of that being the case. He lingered near the area, pressing against it like he was verifying that it was what he thought it was, all the while smearing it with dribbles of his fluids. Amelie held her breath, clung to the faint hope that he wouldn’t do what she thought he was going to do. Only to have that hope dashed. Apparently satisfied that what he’d found was indeed the hole he was seeking, the ariados pushed forward, at last penetrating her properly. The tip slid inside her with merciful ease, owing to its slight taper, but that mercy was short lived. The ariados wasted no time on allowing her to adjust to his presence, instead pushing forward as quickly as he could, invading her body. As any amateur entomologist could tell you, the anatomy of vivillon—and all other butterfly pokémon, for that matter—is very interesting when it came to sex. Their genitals, both those of the males and the females, have unique, incredibly complex shapes. This prevents breeding between the many different species of butterflies, because even if they are physically similar enough for insertion to be achieved, the female can typically only be fertilized if she is internally stimulated in a way that can only be achieved by a member of her own species. This phenomenon is well known by scientists, and is typically referred to as the lock-and-key mechanism. But such a defence is only effective against other butterflies. Species that take advantage of other pokémon during their mating process often develop their own, specialized methods of circumventing this mechanism. A lock pick, of sorts. Though in the case of the ariados, it was more similar to a battering ram. His cock pushed her way inside her with no regard for her discomfort, stretching her open painfully wide as his tapered head quickly gave way to a shaft so thick that it was surprising it could fit inside her at all. Amelie let out a scream as she felt the prehensile organ prying apart her inner walls, curving and bending so it could push even deeper inside her. Though the ariados had no idea, he’d just taken her virginity. Her first time: tied up in a spider’s web, brutally violated by another pokémon that wasn’t even the same species as her. It was hardly how she’d expected her first mating to go. She couldn’t stop screaming, crying out her fear and pain as the ariados chittered and hissed above her, feeding more and more of that writhing tendril into her body until she was sure it was looping through her entire abdomen. All the while, her opening was being stretched wider and wider, the ariados’ cock thickening towards the base. She hadn’t even known she could fit this much inside of her, but the spider seemed intent on demonstrating exactly what her limits were, and then exceeding them. After a couple more agonizing minutes of having her insides rearranged, pushed aside to make room for yet more of the spider’s cock, Amelie realised something: the spider had finished. He was grinding his abdomen back against hers, hoping to get another couple inches out and shoved inside of her, but he seemed to have finally run out of length. It was something of a relief—what had to be at least a foot of arachnid dick had wound its way through her body, looping and curling through her insides, and she’d be liable to burst if she had to fit any more. The relief was short lived, though, because she could feel it start to move backwards. Unsatisfied with penetrating her once, the ariados was pulling himself back out of her, writhing and pressing against every inch of her insides he passed over. Instead of the frantic pace he’d used when he was entering her, now he was taking his time, savouring every moment of her violation. While he extracted himself, Amelie could feel a thick, vile substance pouring out of her vent and dribbling down her carapace. A mixture of her fluids and the clear slime the ariados constantly dripped, tinged with streaks of her own blood, the last remnants of her stolen virginity. The ariados pulled back until the tip of his cock popped out of her, enjoying the way she squirmed and shrieked beneath him, unable to do anything to stop the way he was violating her. Then, while moving his cock up along the front of her abdomen, the ariados grabbed Amelie’s head with his forelegs and wrenched it down. He wanted her to see it. And see it she did. A long tendril of pink flesh, long enough to poke the bottom of her thorax, covered in the same fluids that were dripping out the end of her abdomen. It throbbed, and a rope of clear fluid spurted out of the tip powerfully enough to splatter across her face, landing in her mouth before she could think to react. It was ridiculously thick, and when she tried to spit it out, it only slathered itself across her tongue and drooled down along her chin. The taste hit her: bitter and salty, but there was something else there, too. She dearly hoped it wasn’t poisonous. Amelie gagged and hacked, trying her hardest to get the stuff out of her mouth. It was enough to bring tears to her eyes, but she didn’t care—she had to get it out of her. Slowly but surely, she managed, retching onto her chest while she purged herself of it bit-by-bit. When her mouth was clear, she just hung there in the web, letting out soft sobs while she struggled to catch her breath and clear her eyes. Which she managed to do just in time to see the ariados bringing his cock back towards her vent. As soon as the head managed to align itself with her entrance, a task made far easier now that she’d been stretched wide enough to gape slightly even while he wasn’t fucking her, it plunged back inside her with all the care the ariados had shown her during his initial penetration: none. Parts of Amelie that’d started to recover from her initial violation were wrenched back apart as his dick surged back into her, curving and twisting inside of her as it sought to invade her body as deeply as possible. Amelie let out a scream of pain and tried to jerk her head free, but the spider still had it gripped tight in his forelegs, keeping it pointed straight at her abdomen. She could do nothing but watch as that horrible tendril fed itself inch by inch into her cunt, thick runnels of clear slime pouring out around it and down her back only to be replaced by a fresh burst splattering across her insides. Now that the spider had worked her open and loosened her a bit, he was starting to up his pace, pushing in and out of with ever increasing speed while his cock writhed inside her with some inscrutable rhythm. Amelie could see her abdomen jostle and bulge with every movement inside her, could see her lips straining to contain the enormous organ spreading them open. It was a wonder he was able to fit inside her at all, but the ariados seemed to take that wonder for granted, thrusting into her cunt faster and faster until she could feel her walls tugging at him, like they were begging him to slow down. He didn’t. He just worked himself in and out of her even harder, his dick thrusting and wriggling inside her like it had a life of its own. Amelie didn’t know whether she wanted to scream from the pain or gag at the utterly alien sensation of the ariados moving inside her, exploring every nook and cranny of her reproductive system before spraying them down with his awful secretions. She could feel the stuff starting to collect inside her, leaving her feeling bloated and disgusting, tainted with his essence. The ariados didn’t care. He was only interested in his own release, which seemed to be rapidly approaching, if the shallowness of his breath and increased volume of fluid being pumped into and forced out of her cunt were any indication. With a triumphant hiss, he slammed himself forward, cock throbbing wildly as it tried to jam itself as deep inside her as it could. Letting out a sobbing scream, Amelie prepared himself as best he could for his release, only to be greeted by something she didn’t expect: a thick, solid feeling bulge, travelling up from the base of his cock and pressing against her entrance. “I’m going to stuff you with eggs until you’re fit to burst,” the ariados said, whispering into her ear in a voice drunk with pleasure. Her breath hitched in her throat when she registered what the words meant. Eggs? Wasn’t this ariados a boy? Amelie wasn’t a biologist. There was no possible way she could’ve known about the odd reproductive habits of the ariados, of how the male carried the female’s eggs in order to implant them into whatever helpless pokémon he could snare in his web. As far as she’d known, this was just a cruel spider pointlessly abusing another pokémon that wasn’t even able to bear his children. The ariados was going to show her exactly how wrong she was. A shrill scream tore its way out of Amelie’s throat as that bulge pushed forward, stretching her open painfully wide as it finally managed to force its way past her cunt and into her abdomen proper. Amelie had thought she was being pushed to her limits before, but as that fist-sized lump travelled further and further inside her, she was discovering just how wrong she’d been. Passages inside her were being widened in ways she didn’t even know she was capable of, and they were making her acutely aware of every fine detail. For every millimetre she was stretched, a cavalcade of nerves lit up inside her, dutifully informing Amelie of her repurposement into an incubator for ariados eggs. It travelled deeper and deeper into her body, squeezing through places that were never meant to be touched by another male before going even deeper, intent on moving forward. Amelie’s shrieks grew in pitch as ever more sensitive flesh was pushed aside to make room for the ariados’ invading organ, to the point where Amelie thought she would pass out from all the pain and the screaming before it reached its goal. She wasn’t nearly so lucky. There was one last sharp pinch of agony as the spider’s dick shoved itself through something tight inside her, somewhere it had no right to be. He was inside her egg chamber, still empty as her body prepared for the vivillon mating season. Now it would never get the chance to participate in propagating her own species, but would serve as the hatching grounds of the newest generation of spinarak. Finally in position, Amelie could feel the ariados’ cock dilate inside her, followed by a blooming warmth. He was spurting more of that disgusting slime deep in her most delicate of areas, tainting her with his essence. She let out a shuddering sob as the stuff poured into her, pumping her full while that bulge worked ever closer to the tip of his ovipositor— Pop. The first egg finally pushed forward into her egg chamber, landing in a pool of the spider’s vile ooze. She could just barely feel it in there, floating around and bumping against her inner walls. Just present enough that she couldn’t ignore what he’d done to her. But the ariados wasn’t even close to finishing. A new bulge was pushing up against her entrance, and as soon as it’d forced its way inside her, another followed right on its heels. Now that his ovipositor was firmly in place, the ariados was starting to lay in earnest, sending a flood of eggs forward to hijack the poor vivillon’s reproductive system. Amelie clenched down around it, like that would prevent from going any further, but only succeeded in pushing them even further inside. The seemingly endless train of eggs pushed deeper into her, stretching every inch of her insides at once as they progressed steadily towards her egg chamber, intractable in their goal. Amelie screamed, thrashed, did everything she could to delay the inevitable even a few seconds, but none of it worked. The web kept her from moving more than an inch, and the ariados behind her was relentless in pursuing his goal. It felt like the entire universe was against her, determined to have her body violated by this horrible spider. When her panic reached a fever pitch, they finally hit her. Something was starting to push against that tunnel deep inside her, the last thing standing between her and an abdomen packed full of a dozen spider eggs. Amelie tried to squeeze it shut, but there were no muscles there under her control. All she could do was hope that her body would be able to hold out, keep itself shut tight against any more of the spider’s taint. But she was already too deeply penetrated to keep him out any longer. Amelie let out a long, defeated cry as she felt her body start to give way under his pressure, her last line of defence slowly crumbling under his assault. That egg pushed forward a fraction of a millimetre as her body started to relax, then a little more, over and over. Then, it tumbled down to join the other egg already inside her, splashing down into the viscous pool the spider had made inside her. There were only two inside her, but their passing had left her weak, utterly defenceless against the rest of the line of eggs waiting their own turn. With a spurt of fluid to lubricate its passing, the next one started to press forward, slipping through her tunnel with twice the speed of the last one. Amelie could only let out progressively more breathless screams as his ovipositor pumped eggs at a rapidly increasing pace into her, a deluge of small, hard spheres coasting along on a stream of slime. Amelie could feel her abdomen starting to swell with all the new life being pumped into it, and blinking away the tears from her eyes, she could see that it’d grown to twice its original size. It looked lumpy, bulging with the oversized eggs of a predator that it was never been meant to contain. She couldn’t help but gasp at the sight—she’d known she was being raped, but to see it having such a massive effect on her body made it hurt all the worse. She lost track of how many eggs he’d pumped inside her somewhere around the forty mark. Everything was starting to feel hazy, though whether that was from pain, exhaustion, or some poisonous quality of everything the ariados was pumping into her, it was hard to say. It was difficult to give it much thought, given the circumstances. The last event that her mind registered was the feeling of the spider’s ovipositor sharply jerking its way out of her, leaving her cunt a ruined mess, drooling thick globs of spider slime that dripped down and ran across her back. The only thing that didn’t escape were his eggs, firmly lodged inside her body. Then, she slipped into unconsciousness. --- Amelie let out a soft groan as she came to, groggily trying to flap her wings only to find herself still firmly secured to the web in the exact same position as before. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been out for. It was still dark out, which meant it probably wasn’t more than a few hours, but it could’ve just as easily been a whole day. Her internal clock had been completely thrown off after the spider had his way with her, so she couldn’t say. As Amelie slowly started to wake up, sensations started flooding in from areas she’d managed to ignore during her brief oblivion. Her wings were stiff from being pinned in position for so long, she was starting to feel hungry from not having eaten since before she left the forest, but those feelings all paled in comparison to the ones coming from her abdomen. The first thing that hit her was the pressure. Just like the ariados had promised, she felt fit to burst, absolutely crammed full of the arachnid’s offspring. A quick glance down confirmed her suspicions; she looked just as bad as she had before, her grace and beauty marred by the distended, lumpy egg sac her abdomen had been transformed into. It seemed even bigger now, bulging out a few more inches than it had before. The reason why was obvious—the spider’s eggs were getting larger, growing fat in the warm confines of her egg chamber. The sight would move her to vomit, if she had anything in her stomach. Instead, she settled for squeezing down, trying to force out the eggs polluting her body. She could feel her insides clench down around them, making her even more aware of every round shell pressing out against her womb, but it was no use. They kissed the mouth of the tunnel she was so fervently trying to force them through, teasing her with the possibility, but they were too large to slip through without a firm push that she didn’t have the strength or muscle control to provide. Letting out a defeated whimper, Amelie slumped back against the webs binding her, relaxing her insides and gasping slightly as the eggs shifted around inside her in response. The overwhelming fear and terror that’d marked her first hour in the web had given way to a kind of quiet dread. How long was the ariados going to keep her here? What was he going to do to her after she’d laid his eggs? Would he just let her go? But at the forefront of her mind was the question, how was she going to get these things out of her? Amelie didn’t have long to consider that question before she felt vibrations coming through the strands of the web. Something was crawling up behind her, and it wasn’t hard to guess who it was. The sound of clacking mandibles and feeling of two legs touching down onto the sides of her thorax, caressing her just under her wings, confirmed her suspicions. Even expecting it, the sensation still sent a jolt through her, which was quickly followed by the urge to retch. “They should be just about ready to hatch,” the ariados said, in a voice as close to a purr as an arachnid could muster. “Are you ready, my little morsel?” Amelie opened her mouth to respond, but any words she might’ve spoken were cut off by a surprised yelp as something moved deep within her abdomen. A sharp jerk, like something was moving inside her, accompanied by the feeling of something cracking inside her. She’d gotten the answer to one of her questions. She was going to get these things out of her by having them crawl their way out of her body. That yelp transformed into the first of many screams as the new life contained deep within her guts started to shift, breaking free of their shells with dull cracks that she felt rather than heard. If she’d been asked mere minutes ago if she thought her situation could get any worse, she would’ve replied with a firm no, but this definitive proof of how wrong she’d been. The discomfort of eggs pushing out against the walls of her womb was replaced by the magnitudes worse sensation of dozens of bodies writhing against her insides, tiny legs poking against her flesh. She screamed harder as the last of them broke free of its shell. What else could she do? Her body was no longer an egg sac, but a vessel packed full of live, squirming young. She could see them moving around under her abdomen, flesh stretched taut by the ball of spiders crawling over one another deep inside of her. An infestation that mere minutes ago didn’t even register as a possibility, not even in the wildest reaches of her imagination, was now the reality of her existence. It wouldn’t last for long. To her disbelief, something even worse was to follow. Impatient and unwilling to spend a moment longer inside the vivillon than was necessary, the spinarak inside Amelie moved as one, all of them seeming to have the same idea at once: escape. They climbed over each other and scraped painfully against her insides in an effort to free themselves from her egg chamber and start their long journey through her body. She could feel every push and shove in their wild struggle, every twitching motion and kicking leg, and she couldn’t possibly shriek loud enough to convey the disgusting agony that was thrashing around inside her. Amelie certainly tried, though. Her antennae thrashed and her throat went raw as she screamed near ceaselessly, only stopping long enough to breathe. She jerked and thrashed against the web glued to her back, but it was a pointless gesture. Not only was it stuck tight to her, but it wouldn’t matter if she managed to free herself or not; what she was trying to free herself from was just as much trying to escape from her as she was from it, and there was only one way the problem was going to resolve itself. Finally managing to push aside its siblings, one of the spinarak in her womb managed to wedge its head into the passage out of her egg chamber. It was an awfully tight fit, but the spinarak was determined, working his way forward with all the strength his little limbs could muster while his brothers and sister pushed from behind in an effort to get in next. Amelie felt it all too strongly, the sensation of her insides stretching to accommodate the spider’s size adding a particularly sharp note to her vocalizations. Now that the way had been loosened, the rest of the family was soon to follow. Dozens of spiders crawled over one another in their excitement to be next in line, and though that line was single file at first, it wouldn’t remain that way for long. There was too much pushing and shoving as they all tried to fit through at once, and at some point, one of them had the brilliant idea of wedging himself in beside one of the others in an effort to take his spot. It didn’t have the intended effect. As soon as he managed to squeeze his body over the other spinarak, they were both jammed in place, pinned in place by the tight embrace of the vivillon’s insides. They flailed and struggled, trying their best to unstick themselves, but their efforts only succeeded in coaxing yet more screams out of their surrogate mother as their legs scraped along her sensitive flesh. Meanwhile, the rest of the spiders were starting to pile up behind them, unable to move forward with them blocking the way. The spiders were getting impatient, and whether it was out of some unspoken communication between them or some instinctual knowledge, they started to organize. Dozens of them lined up in a surprisingly orderly fashion, dug their feet into whatever surface would hold them, and set their legs against the spider in front of them. They were one unbroken chain, all pressed up against the two spiders that’d gotten themselves lodged together. Then, they pushed. Amelie let out a shriek as the pressure inside her suddenly tripled, feeling the force of Arceus knew how many spiders pushing against the blockage inside her. The two spiders seemed to be stuck together quite tightly, unbudging despite the spiders’ best efforts, but the crowd was relentless. After half a minute of fruitless, agonizing pushing, all set to Amelie’s screams of pain, they began to dislodge. Millimetre by millimetre, the top spider started to shift forward, until finally tumbling forward to the front of the line. That opened the floodgates. Free to move again, the spinarak progressed forward once more, this time far better organized. None of them tried to clamber over each other, none of them pushed or shoved, they all just crawled in one nice, orderly line on through the twisting tunnels of the vivillon’s reproductive system towards freedom. Of course, being orderly didn’t mean they were slow. Amelie’s entire body was starting to shake as the parade of spinarak shot through her body, looking almost like she was having a seizure as she screamed and screamed and screamed. Then, the first one of them reached their goal. With a triumphant hiss, a little green head poked its way out of the tip of Amelie’s abdomen, mandibles clicking and eyes blinking as they took in the dim light. She looked down at it in horror as it struggled to free its legs and then pulled itself the rest of the way out of her body, skittering down along her carapace and onto a strand of the ariados’ web, disappearing into the darkness. One down. Forty-three to go. Amelie tried to look away, disgusted by the way her body had been so thoroughly perverted into a breeding ground for the spider’s young, but two legs gripped either side of her head and forced it back into position. She had no choice but to stare down at her abdomen and watch, tears running down her face while she let out loud, guttural wheezes, stuck between the urge to retch and the desire to scream. Seconds after the first spinarak had crawled its way out of her, another was poking out of her vent, struggling briefly before pulling itself free and crawling down the side of her abdomen. Right on its heels was another, crawling out from her steadily widening hole even faster than the last before skittering across her body. Then another, and another, and another. She was being stretched wide enough for them to start coming out in pairs, then in threes, their orderly line broken down by the promise of fresh air. The lumpiness in her abdomen was rapidly disappearing as it was replaced by the feelings of dozens of tiny feet tapping across her lower half, each one a sign of a successful birth. By the time the first twenty had squirmed their way out of her, Amelie’s cunt was gaping open and dripping with fluid, providing an easy exit for the remainder of the butterfly’s freshly hatched clutch of spiders. Twenty-two left. Apparently, spinarak didn’t have the best vision immediately after being born, because a number of them lingered on her body and bumped into each other while they struggled to find their way to the web. It made it all the worse, having her abdomen crawling with her unwanted young while yet more surged out of her to join them. The ariados made no effort to guide them, apparently enjoying the way Amelie squirmed and cried out as they scurried across her body. Each one was a physical reminder of her new role as this spider’s brood queen. No, less than that—a container, a convenient place for him to hatch his young, to be thrown away when she’d outlived her usefulness. Disposable. Amelie screamed as five spinarak tried to push their way through her opening at once, nearly tearing her open before they managed to fit through, skittering off towards her thorax. Eight left. Then, an odd noise drew the small amount of Amelie’s attention that wasn’t intently focused on the spiders squirming their way out of her abdomen. A kind of crunching, tearing sound, replacing the ariados’ almost familiar hissing. With her head still held in place by the larger spider’s legs, she couldn’t turn back to see what it was—but as fate would have it, she didn’t need to. With a particularly nasty rounding rip, something fell from above and streaked through her vision towards the ground below. Amelie could only see it for a second, but that was more than enough. It was a long, segmented object, covered in smooth white chitin that shone in the moonlight. Ichor dripped from one end. It was a leg, one doubtless from another bug pokémon, one just like her. Her screams changed in tone, again taking on that terrified aspect that they’d had when she was first caught in the web, something that only intensified as the ariados continued to noisily tear into his meal just out of her vision. It was even enough to distract her from the last handful of spiders forcing their way out of her body, however briefly. But even if it’d escaped her own notice, her freshly vacant abdomen certainly didn’t go unnoticed by the ariados. Apparently finished with his meal, he released Amelie’s head and crawled through to the other side of the web. It was the second time she’d seen him since all this had first started, and he’d gotten no less fearsome in that time, his jaws dripping with the blood of his newest catch. “I wonder how long you’ll last?” the ariados said, positioning himself so his front of his body was pressed up against Amelie’s, sending the few spinarak that were still lingering scrambling away towards the web. She could feel his hot breath washing over her cheek, thick with the smell of gore. “The last one managed to get through three batches. Let’s go for four this time.” The ariados pushed the tip of his abdomen right up against Amelie’s, poking it an inch into her gaping opening like some sort of perverted kiss, then let out a sigh as he relaxed some unseen muscle deep inside his body. Amelie could feel his ovipositor start to extend, emerging out of his abdomen and directly into her body, already dripping with thick slime and ready to deposit a fresh clutch of eggs. Amelie’s eyes shot open as she let out a piercing scream, one that was completely drowned out as the bell below them started to toll. Twelve loud rings as the clock struck midnight. But for Amelie, the night had only just begun.