Ardwin had been having very strange dreams lately. He’d never dreamt much in the past, but over the past week or so they’d gotten so vivid that he was starting to pick out specific themes. For example, that night, he’d dreamt about licking paws. Kneeling down while strong pokémon, stronger than he’d ever be, stood in front of him and pressed their paws into his face to be serviced. More concerning, he dreamt about enjoying it—pure, unabashed enjoyment, without a hint of embarrassment or shame about doing something so utterly demeaning. Then, he woke up. He was not kneeling and servicing paws. He was lying on his back—though there was still a set of toes pressed against his lips, belonging to the lucario sitting parallel to him on the bed, leaning back on his arms. It was surreal, enough so that it took a moment for his brain to switch over from dream mode back to reality, meaning a few seconds where he was still enjoying the situation before he could conjure up the appropriate reactions of shame, frustration, and general disdain. This was the newest member of Ardwin’s team, having travelled with him two months to the day. A shiny lucario, his second shiny ever, bringing him that much closer to his dream of an all-shiny pokémon team. Which meant one month and twenty-nine days of the lucario having commandeered the team, conscripting Ardwin and his singular other pokémon into being essentially sex slaves. His dream has transformed into something of a nightmare. Ardwin hadn’t even gotten the chance to give his newest addition a nickname before he’d launched his coup, and the lucario didn’t provide one of his own. He responded to ‘sir’ and ‘master’. Needless to say, Ardwin didn’t address him often. That seemed to fit the lucario’s agenda just fine, since he was far more physical than verbal. Particularly with his paws, as Ardwin had come to learn. He would never have guessed a wild pokémon would have any sexual interests beyond plain fucking and breeding, but he’d apparently had the misfortune of encountering the one with a foot fetish. The taste of lucario paws was one that Ardwin had become intimately familiar with over the past few weeks. While his conscious mind was busy dredging up the past and moping over his general life situation, his unconscious mind was left to deal with his more immediate circumstances—which it did by letting his mouth drop open to allow the lucario entry. The auradog certainly took advantage of it, toes wasting no time in pushing their way past Ardwin’s lips, the slightly pebbly texture of pawpads grinding against his tongue and suffusing his mouth with their flavour. Frustration. It was nothing that the lucario wouldn’t have forced him to do anyway, but the fact that he’d grown so conditioned to his circumstances that his first instinct was to go along with things irritated Ardwin, though he didn’t feel particularly surprised by it. He’d taken a backseat to the reactions of his body just as much as the direction of his team, and all he could do was stew. Ardwin didn’t even find the flavour repulsive, was the worst part. It would’ve made things much easier, much more straightforward, if he had. It was earthy, slightly bitter, [i]animal[/i], for lack of a better word—but nothing that turned his stomach, which meant nothing to distract him from the embarrassment of being subject to such blatant domination and perversion. Once his conscious mind was back in control, Ardwin purposely stopped himself from doing anything else, making a point of keeping his tongue pinned to the bottom of his mouth where the lucario could do as little to it as possible—and more importantly, where it could do as little [i]for[/i] the lucario as possible. In response to his inaction, the three toes that were pressing against his tongue started wiggling impatiently. “Aww,” came the lucario’s voice in his mind, telepathic voice thick with a tone of mocking disappointment that grated on Ardwin’s nerves. “Why’d you stop? You were doing so well!” Ardwin mumbled a response that would’ve gotten him dearly punished were it not rendered incoherent by the lucario’s toes. Two months of this treatment. Two months spent trying to figure out a way to somehow wriggle free of the lucario’s influence, to no avail. Some days he was despondent, other times determined. That day, having to wake up to his circumstances staring him in the face first thing in the morning, he just felt pissed. His resentment was not shared by the third member of the team. Ardwin’s original partner, a noivern named Sonar, had taken to the entire situation nicely. Rather too nicely, in fact. The bat was standing at attention beside the bed, and a quick glance to the right got Ardwin an eyeful of him in all his glory—all seven inches of it, bouncing up and down dangerously close to Ardwin’s face. The noivern’s eyes roamed across his trainer’s body, sometimes lingering on Ardwin’s mouth and the paw lodged in it, more often focused down between his legs where his morning wood was on full display. Ardwin was, of course, not permitted to wear pyjamas. Or underwear. Or a shred more clothing than was strictly necessary, really. Sonar hadn’t always been so complacent, or so brazen. Ardwin recalled that when the lucario had first joined their team—if the relationship between the three of them could still be classified as a ‘team’—Sonar had been rather reluctant to participate. In utter opposition to the whole thing, in fact, as Ardwin still was. But things had changed, and they’d changed because of Ardwin. Not because of anything Ardwin had done, but because of his being used as a bargaining chip. Ardwin had thought Sonar was so resistant to the lucario’s attempts at domination not only out of respect for himself, but respect for Ardwin. They were partners, after all. How could Sonar sit idly by and watch as his trainer was bent to the will of what was, in every sense but the most technical, a wild pokémon? The answer was that he couldn’t, and he didn’t. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean Sonar reacted in the way Ardwin had wanted him to, and that was because Ardwin had misunderstood Sonar’s motivations. Put simply, Ardwin had been satisfied being Sonar’s partner, whereas Sonar had wanted to be partners in an entirely different sense of the word. Whether it was love or just lust, Ardwin couldn’t say—for all he knew, pokémon could’ve considered those things to be one and the same. Whatever the case, Sonar couldn’t voice his desires, not being able to speak English. But even without the difficulties the language barrier presented, there were other considerations. Human-pokémon relationships might’ve been a legal grey zone, but in terms of social taboo, they were quite black and white: no go. It would be a big risk, trying to break that taboo with his trainer. And if his feelings weren’t reciprocated... disaster. So Sonar had suppressed his feelings and contented himself with the bond of pokémon and trainer, a bond that was less intimate than what he wanted, but far too valuable to him to risk. Then the lucario had come along, and those social mores that Sonar had put so much effort towards respecting were completely discarded in the span of a night. A wild pokémon held no use for such prudish sentiments. No doubt jealousy would’ve led to unimaginable resentment on Sonar’s part, were it not for another human concept that the lucario did away with: monogamy. The lucario was willing to share, offering Sonar the opportunity to indulge in those long-suppressed desires towards his trainer—provided the noivern cooperated, and accepted the lucario’s dominance. It hadn’t been an instant transition. Sonar had hemmed and hawed and put up a front of reluctance for a few weeks, either genuine or just a show for Ardwin’s benefit. But it was too tempting an offer, particularly when the lucario dragged Sonar into all manner of sexual situations with Ardwin, forcing him to experience just what he was rejecting with his protests. Under the lucario’s thumb, Sonar’s feelings became harder to deny, and his resistance gradually ebbed away until there wasn’t a trace of it to be found. Now, Sonar tackled his service of the lucario with enthusiasm—not out of any great love for the lucario, but simply to satisfy a desire for his trainer that he had no other means of fulfilling. But Ardwin had remained steadfast in his resistance, not out of any herculean feat of willpower, but merely because there was no desire for him to give into as Sonar had. His feelings towards the noivern remained platonic, in spite of everything the lucario pushed them into, and he certainly felt nothing positive towards the lucario himself. He found the situation deplorable, and over the past two months, he’d been working diligently to change it. But that had proven a difficult task. It was almost impossible to do any work towards that goal when he was under the lucario’s supervision at all hours. Even just [i]planning[/i] what he should do was difficult, given that Ardwin’s free time was the lucario’s free time, and the lucario’s favourite thing to do during his free time was Ardwin. That thought coincided perfectly with the lucario pulling his paw free from Ardwin’s mouth, his toes coming out with a slight pop as they slipped past Ardwin’s lips. “Well, if you’re going to be your usual disobedient self, I’ll just have to think of some better use for your mouth. Sonar!” At the sound of his name, the noivern snapped to attention. Ardwin had noticed that Sonar was the only one who seemed to have retained his name. Whereas the lucario was too far above them to be addressed by anything but title, Ardwin was so low that the lucario addressed him most often as ‘pet’. Yet Sonar was still Sonar, having apparently planted himself firmly in the middle of the totem pole. That hierarchy was made even more abundantly clear by the lucario pulling himself up into a kneeling position near the foot of the bed. He glanced over at Sonar, and that was all it took for the noivern to hop up onto the sheets, shuffling into a position opposite the lucario over by Ardwin’s head. Ardwin couldn’t help but note the smoothness of it all in spite of no words being exchanged, one of many such occurrences. That particular example wasn’t even among the most impressive of the displays he’d seen; the two had battled as a pair before, and the level of cooperation they’d displayed was nothing short of remarkable. A thought flickered briefly through his mind: [i]the bond between a pokémon and its trainer.[/i] Before he could give any further consideration to that distressing idea, Ardwin’s attention was stolen by a set of claws grabbing hold of the sides of his head. They held his face steady while Sonar shuffled closer, until Ardwin could see the pink length of what could only be a noivern cock dangling over his face. So they were planning on taking him at both ends—which meant Sonar got his mouth, as always. The lucario had let Sonar do all manner of things with Ardwin: oral, hand stuff, grinding. Once, he’d even arranged for the noivern to fuck the gap between Ardwin’s thighs while he watched and jeered. They’d done practically everything there was to do, bar one thing. For all that the lucario had pressured them into doing and everything that Sonar had later come to pursue himself, the noivern had never, not once, been allowed to penetrate Ardwin’s ass. It wasn’t from any lack of interest on Sonar’s end; he’d had quite a bit of fun with Ardwin’s ass in other ways, rubbing against it, making out with it in countless sessions of rimming. But there was an agreement between the lucario and Sonar, either unspoken or having been agreed upon when Ardwin was absent, that there was a line in the sand that the noivern was not to cross. Even without having had them explained to him, it was clear to Ardwin what the reasons for that were. The lucario had shuffled up into a spot between Ardwin’s legs, and while the trainer’s attention was fixated on the actions of the noivern up by his head, he made his move. He grabbed a hold of Ardwin by the underside of both knees and hoisted his legs up into the air, moving forward at the same time to press up closer to Ardwin, invading his space. Ardwin let out a gasp, surprised at such sudden, rough manhandling. Well, perhaps surprised wasn’t the right word; shocked or taken off-guard, maybe, but not surprised. The position left Ardwin bent at the middle, shoulders flat against the bed, but his ass pointed up towards the lucario. Kept at just the right height so that the pokémon’s cock could lie across it, too, already fully extended from his sheath. It smeared across Ardwin’s skin, leaving a trail of moisture wherever it touched. He let out a low growl and moved his hands to Ardwin’s cheeks, spreading them apart so that he could watch the way the trainer’s hole twitched and clenched in response. That smug look of satisfaction in the lucario’s eyes as he looked down at Ardwin’s body, at the hole that only he had the right to breed. That was the crux of it: as much as he was willing to share with Sonar, keeping that part of Ardwin for himself cemented his place as the unquestionable authority in charge of their group—of [i]his[/i] group. Ardwin heard the lucario spit, followed by a feeling of wet splattering across his spread asshole. “You’re welcome,” the lucario said, before pulling his hips back to align the head of his cock with Ardwin’s now technically lubed hole. Sonar had, in an impressive display of restraint and obedience, been waiting for some manner of go-ahead from the lucario before he went any further than just kneeling there with his cock throbbing above Ardwin’s face. He figured that the lucario taking such obvious steps towards penetration counted as enough of a signal. As such, Sonar leaned forward and straddled Ardwin’s face, tilting his hips back so that the tip of his cock pressed against his lips. The noivern’s cock was oozing precum, already dripping with the stuff even without having received any stimulation at all. Just the sight of Ardwin in such a position was enough to excite Sonar that he could hardly contain himself. Ardwin wondered just how long Sonar had felt like this, guessed at how many nights the noivern had spent pleasuring himself to fantasies of his trainer during any moment of privacy. Though it was hardly a thought worth considering. After all, that was all past; Sonar hardly required privacy or fantasies to get up to any of that any more when the real Ardwin was right there, available to him practically any given moment, barring the times when the lucario was keeping him for himself. Sonar’s dick prodded at Ardwin’s lips, smearing them with pre, seeking entry in the most polite way possible. Polite being relative, anyway—if it’d been the lucario, he’d have immediately gone to pinching Ardwin’s nose if he’d wasted even a second in opening his mouth, forcing him to open up if he wanted to breathe. As much as he didn’t want any of what was happening, Ardwin found it difficult to deny Sonar. With the lucario, he could kick up a fuss all day and night—it wouldn’t matter, since he didn’t have nearly enough strength to resist such a powerful pokémon, but he could do it and frequently had the motivation to put up such token resistances. But not with Sonar. Sonar had been his partner for so long, and even when the noivern was taking advantage of him in such a way as he was, denying him felt somehow... wrong. So Ardwin let his lips part ever so slightly, and Sonar wasted no time in pushing forward, his tapered dick finding even that small opening more than enough to slide into. It thickened rapidly as it got towards the base, though, meaning Ardwin’s mouth was forced ever wider to accommodate the noivern’s girth. Ardwin couldn’t see much with his face being between Sonar’s legs and the bat’s tail taking up most of his vision, but he could hear a quiet croon of pleasure from above him. Definitely Sonar; for everything he’d learned from the lucario, dominance and sexual tricks alike, he still had a ways to go in terms of his ability to vocalize. The bat was as quiet as a mouse. The lucario let out a chuff of laughter while projecting his voice into Ardwin’s mind, words thick with amusement. “You listen to your boyfriend, but not to me? I’m hurt, well and truly hurt.” Ardwin groaned at that, and Sonar shuddered from the vibrations it sent rolling through his cock. Again with the ‘boyfriend’ talk. The lucario had picked up on Sonar’s affections long ago, the noivern having made no effort to keep them hidden, and had since taken up discussing them at every given opportunity. Sonar seemed to find it quite validating. Ardwin, on the other hand, found it alternately aggravating and mortifying. Unsurprisingly, that did very little to dissuade the lucario from bringing it up. But Ardwin had precious little time to groan about it, because he was quickly made to groan about something else. Unwilling to continue taking his time when Sonar had already started to fuck Ardwin’s face, the lucario finally pushed forward and let the tip of his cock pierce Ardwin’s hole. It sunk in with a minimum of resistance; given just how much the lucario had made use of his body over the past two months, it would’ve taken Ardwin conscious effort to keep him out, a behaviour that stood in stark contrast to all the instinctive clenching and tightness that had needed to be overcome at the start of their journey together. That was just another thing that the lucario had trained out of him, it seemed. Another distressing idea, with another distraction to keep his mind from considering it for too long. The lucario let out a rumble of pleasure and sank himself still deeper into Ardwin’s body, warm walls parting readily to meet him in spite of their owner’s resistance. Resistance which seemed to be constrained solely to verbal complaints, muffled into so much noise by Sonar’s cock. It certainly wasn’t an attitude reflected in his body, with Ardwin’s cock fully erect, even drooling a stream of precum that rolled down his belly and across his chest as it rode the pull of gravity all the way down to the sheets below. If they weren’t careful, those sheets were going to end up quite soiled by the time they were finished. As such, the lucario approached the situation with all the care that it deserved: he slammed his cock into Ardwin all the way up to the beginning of his knot, intent on seeing just how much he would be able to milk out of the human without even touching his cock. His efforts were off to a promising start. Ardwin let out a squeal and jolted stiff, in both relevant senses of the phrase. His insides clenched around the lucario’s cock even as his own shaft jumped and then slapped back down against his belly, the stream of pre he was oozing thickening for a moment as the pokémon’s thick cock ground against his prostate. Ardwin could feel wet heat shoot inside him—a spurt of the lucario’s own precum, as if the pokémon’s pleasure was a mirror of Ardwin’s own. Or the other way around, the pleasure that Ardwin was feeling being solely a result of the lucario’s. As if he were being made so utterly servile, so inescapably entangled with this domineering beast, that making him feel good was enough that Ardwin’s body had no choice but to experience waves of sympathetic ecstasy. Ardwin’s thoughts seemed to be veering into unnecessarily poetic places. That tended to happen, when the two pokémon decided to take him from either end at once. He chalked it up to oxygen deficit. Sonar wasn’t big enough to cut off his air supply entirely, but it was just plain fact that a dick in the mouth made it harder to breathe, even with all the experience Ardwin had been forced to acquire. Particularly when Sonar was speeding up, in need of more stimulation than Ardwin’s passive efforts at fellatio were providing. He was working himself in and out of Ardwin’s mouth at a steady pace, nothing he couldn’t handle, but fast enough that Ardwin had to focus on breathing through his nose and timing his breaths between Sonar’s thrusts. Breathing through his nose meant there was no way he could do anything but taste every bit of Sonar. That twinge of bitterness that clung to his shaft from the inside of his slit, just barely detectable under the salt and slight sweetness of his precum. The stink of noivern musk, growing particularly sharp whenever Sonar thrust up to the base and Ardwin’s nose pressed up against the bat’s slit. The scent grew sharper as time went on, the excitement and exertion of everything causing Sonar to work up a sweat, quickly turning that spot under his body that Ardwin’s face occupied into something of a hotbox. Nothing for Ardwin to do but endure the beads of sweat rolling down his face and gulp down whatever Sonar oozed into his mouth, a healthy dose of noivern pre being the first thing to hit his stomach for the day. Still, for all of that, it was still nothing compared to some of the throatfucking Ardwin had experienced at the hands of the lucario. He could handle it. Ardwin was well and thankful for that, too, because the lucario was not sitting idle while Sonar had his fun. He had already worked himself up to a pace that would’ve been near unbearable for anyone without Ardwin’s ample experience. The room rang out with loud slaps every time the lucario’s thrust in, the fur covering his thighs doing nothing to muffle the sounds of their collisions with Ardwin’s ass. But neither were those sounds loud enough to cover up the noise of the lucario’s cock sliding in and out of him, terribly lewd sounds of his insides gripping the pokémon’s shaft, growing ever more wet as more and more precum was pumped into his guts. The lucario had never skimped when it came to productivity. Every time they did it, it was a wet, sloppy affair; plenty of noise, finishes big enough to put any human to shame, and universal ruination of bed sheets. Ardwin sometimes wondered if the other residents of the hotels he stayed at ever heard the noises coming from his room. That typically led to thoughts of if the hotel staff ever noticed the state of the bed after he’d left, realised there was only him and his pokémon staying in the room, and put two and two together. There was no answer to those questions that he liked. He tried not to think about it too much. Even though they hadn’t been going for too long, it was obvious to Ardwin that the two pokémon were quickly closing in on a finish. He didn’t even need any signs to make that assessment; Ardwin knew well enough from experience that wake-up sex never lasted long with them. Morning wood and the desire to get through to breakfast made sure of that. But there were signs. The grip of the lucario’s hands tightening around his ass, where they’d leave marks that’d last the rest of the day. The huffing noises that Sonar was starting to make—subtle, but the noivern never was much for the loud and ostentatious. Most prominently, the ungodly fast back-and-forth rhythm the two of them had fallen into. They worked in perfect sync, one of them pulling out of Ardwin as the other thrust in, inexplicably maintaining that cohesion in spite of the breakneck pace. Ardwin maintained his own cohesion, just as inexplicably. Balls slapped against his ass and his nose drowned in a continual miasma of noivern musk, yet he somehow managed to keep some semblance of a grip on himself and not come completely undone between the two pokémon. Unfortunately, that smattering of self-control didn’t extend nearly as far as he’d like—specifically, one particular part of him seemed to have a mind of its own. His cock continued to pulse and throb where it laid against his belly, jumping and dribbling in time with the lucario’s thrusts. His own finish was being ushered along at just the same pace as the other two parts of their threeway, as always. No amount of reluctance, complaining, or flat-out struggle could stop what the lucario did to his body. He knew all of Ardwin’s sweet spots, knew just how rough he could be with them and still push Ardwin towards a release that he didn’t want, never asked for, but had no choice but to endure. Most every day, certainly every night, spent cumming all over himself at the hands of whatever treatment the lucario had decided on for that particular instant. The precision of it was so much that Ardwin could almost track how close the lucario was to cumming just by how far away he was from his own finish. As aggravating as that was, as much as it made him feel like a tool being used to satisfy the lucario’s needs, it was a surprisingly accurate indicator. Judging from that familiar winding feeling in Ardwin’s balls, pushed further along with every stab of the lucario’s cock, it would only be a few more seconds until— Right on cue, the lucario swung his hips forward into Ardwin’s, bringing his knot slamming against the trainer’s hole. It had yet to inflate, but Ardwin could feel it throbbing, the slight thickness of it that made it clear that it was only a few seconds and one good squeeze away from filling out into its full glory. In that state, it was more than enough that anyone untrained, unused to taking knots, would have a real struggle trying to take it. Ardwin was anything but untrained. The lucario gave another short, powerful hump, and Ardwin could feel his asshole being pried open even wider than it already was to accommodate that great bulge at the base of his cock. Taking it was no small feat, but Ardwin was experienced enough to take it just as well as any of the heat-ridden females it’d been designed to be crammed inside. One last thrust from the lucario proved that fact. Ardwin’s body stretched that last fraction of an inch required and his asshole swallowed up the lucario’s knot, where it instantly began to swell out into the grip of Ardwin’s inner walls. A few last frantic humps and the lucario let out a howl, gone beyond any snarky comments, lost to an orgasm that quickly made itself known as a power wave of liquid heat shooting into Ardwin’s guts. On time as always, Sonar wasn’t far behind his master. As soon as the lucario had let out that howl, it was like a call for Sonar to reach his own finish, and it was one that was quickly heeded. Sonar gripped the sides of Ardwin’s head tight and thrust forward until his lips were flush against the noivern’s crotch, his cock buried well past Ardwin’s mouth and into his throat. Ardwin could hear Sonar let out a low croon as a pulse rolled through his dick, ending as a burst of heat to mirror what the lucario was pumping into him, but this time being poured directly into his stomach. And Ardwin, almost as much from the conditioning he’d received as from the pleasure of the lucario’s cock inside him, reached his own peak at the same time. Another throb of the lucario’s cock, a thickening of that knot pressing against his prostate, and he was there. Even having been utterly ignored by all three of them, Ardwin’s cock managed to fire off, giving one warning twitch before a powerful spurt of white shot out of him and painted a great streak across his chest. It finished just in time for the lucario’s cock to throb again, drawing another rope of cum out of Ardwin to mirror the first. Sonar’s own contributions went almost unnoticed, not for lack of volume—the noivern was quite productive in his own right—but because Ardwin’s mouth and throat were running purely on autopilot, gulping and swallowing down the bat’s cum without so much as a blink of an eye. In that moment, Ardwin didn’t have a thought to spare, anything in his mind that might’ve been considered logical or coherent purged in favour of that feeling of orgasmic release. Which was to say, he came pretty hard. He always came hard when the lucario was fucking him. But then, after an indeterminable amount of time being pumped full of cum at both ends while painting himself with his own seed, Ardwin’s mind shifted back from the primal into the conscious. Sonar pulled his cock free from Ardwin’s lips, and as soon as he did, the first thing out of the trainer’s mouth was a low groan, thick with shame. Thick with other things, too, as evidenced by the coughing fit it led into. Clearly, Ardwin could’ve put a bit more effort towards making sure he’d swallowed down [i]everything[/i] the noivern had to offer. Ardwin was too caught up in trying to clear his throat to put up much resistance when the lucario leaned forward over his back and grabbed him by the hair, yanking his head back and baring his neck. That was quickly followed by the feel of a collar wrapping itself around his neck, latch clicking into place. The collar. Ardwin was only permitted to take it off when he slept, ostensibly because he’d been told to sleep naked, though he was rather certain the actual reason was that the lucario enjoyed putting it on him every morning. It was a mix of pink and purple that looked utterly garish on Ardwin—though it would’ve fit nicely with the yellow fur of the lucario that it’d been purchased for. Pity that the lucario had found other uses for it. “Good morning,” came the lucario’s voice in his mind. Ardwin gulped down the cum he’d managed to cough loose, unwilling to spit it out onto the sheets, not out of any fear of soiling them—they were well past that point now—but out of fear of what sort of punishment the lucario would dish out if he dared refuse to swallow. Good morning, indeed. --- Showers, brushing of teeth, clothes, all the morning necessities were tended to the moment the lucario’s knot had gone down enough that he could yank himself out of Ardwin’s ass and allow the three of them to get on with their day. Ardwin took his time with his toothbrush to make sure he’d gotten every trace of Sonar out of his mouth, and cleaned himself quite thoroughly in the shower for similar reasons in regards to the lucario. Clothes, however, were decided with a considerable amount of speed. Not from any lack of pickiness on Ardwin’s part; he simply didn’t have the option to be choosy, because most of his choices in that regard had been taken away. It had taken about a week for the lucario to decide that he needed to be in charge of Ardwin’s wardrobe. No purchases had been made as of yet, but there’d been a mass purging of all of Ardwin’s clothes that went below the knee or past the elbow. Most of what remained had been, under the lucario’s careful supervision (prevented from taking a more active role on account of his paws not fitting the scissors), cut and trimmed to show more skin. Ardwin had never owned a belly shirt before in his life. He was displeased to see that they now comprised a significant portion of his wardrobe. With everything he owned having been chosen or modified in order to be more revealing, he wondered what was going to happen when the colder weather came. Was the lucario even going to allow him to wear warmer clothing? More likely, the lucario would just stop him from going out entirely, pick some place to settle down and use him as a live-in whore full-time. Ardwin grimaced at the thought. That was no way to think; he was going to be well and done with this situation by then. The idea that he was going to be stuck in this predicament for an entire [i]season[/i] was absurd. He was going to get out of this. But before that, he needed to focus on more immediate issues. Specifically, the issue of breakfast. Typically, they dealt with that issue by means of room service. A bit of an expensive habit, but the lucario brought in more than enough money for them to support it. That morning was different, though. The lucario had decided to exercise his de facto powers of direction and had declared that they were all going out to eat. Not any more expensive than room service, so there was no room for Ardwin to complain—though even if there were, Ardwin still wouldn’t be able to say anything. After all, the lucario brought in far more money battling than he made Ardwin spend even at the worst of times. Which left Ardwin where he was then, sitting on the couch and listening to the water run in the bathroom as the lucario went about his own morning ritual. At first, Ardwin had figured that he wouldn’t require much time in that respect, considering a wild pokémon’s morning preparations tended to consist of waking up and launching right into survival mode. That was an accurate assessment, but Ardwin had interpreted it incorrectly. As soon as the lucario had discovered showers, it was all over. By the time he was done in the bathroom, it would be choked with steam and the drain would be clogged with fur—but the lucario himself would look pristine, freshly brushed, and mildly damp. It was a level of grooming that Ardwin could only attribute to the pride that came with being a shiny, but he wouldn’t complain about it. The time it took for him to completely dry his fur was one of the few periods Ardwin could count on being completely sex-free. Free of any sex involving the lucario, anyway. While Ardwin was waiting for the lucario to finish in the bathroom, Sonar was on the couch next to him. [i]Very[/i] next to him. The noivern’s head was leaning on his shoulder, and claws ran up and down his chest, brazenly feeling at his body. Thankfully, their morning session had satisfied him enough that he went no lower than that, a fact that Ardwin was thankful for. Still, he hoped that the lucario wouldn’t take too much longer. Ardwin had no wish to put Sonar’s recovery time to the test. --- Ever since the lucario had entered his life, Ardwin had needed to adopt some strategies for getting through the day. One of those was breaking things down into segments. That way, he could best appreciate when each one passed by without issue. When problems arose, it made it easier to grit his teeth and look forward towards the next little section of the day. For example, he made it through the morning in the hotel room without any further incident, regardless of how frisky Sonar might’ve been getting. Checking out was similarly painless, and the walk through the streets was delightfully uneventful. Ardwin chalked that up to the high pedestrian traffic dissuading the lucario from wanting to pull anything. Probably an inaccurate assessment, given the lucario’s total lack of restraint, but the result was the same: nothing happened. Their restaurant choices were limited to those that served both pokémon and humans. Those tended to be on the more expensive side of things, given the broad range of dietary requirements pokémon had, all of which such a restaurant would need to cater to. Expensive, but not rare; trainers were plentiful, meaning both high demand and cash to back it up. They’d ended up settling on a breakfast joint by the name of ‘The Coffee Wailord’. Ardwin didn’t wonder about the name—he had long since learned to stop questioning the names of high-class establishments. They’d all been seated and given menus, printed with large pictures for the convenience of those customers incapable of reading. Ardwin assumed that included the lucario, but then again, he wasn’t quite sure. He’d never asked if the lucario was literate. He certainly wasn’t going to, because regardless of if he was or wasn’t, there was no way that question was going to be taken with anything but a healthy helping of indignation. He couldn’t even figure it out by context, because the lucario didn’t look at or even open his menu. He asked for a steak, rare, and that was all. Ardwin didn’t think steak was much of a breakfast food, but they had yet to visit a restaurant that served pokémon without also serving steak, regardless of whether it was breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Sonar asked for something more comfortably breakfast-y, pointing to it on the menu: a combo that centred on a stack of pancakes, slathered in chocolate sauce and an amount of fruit that bordered on the excessive. Ardwin just picked the most traditional sounding option on the menu, an English breakfast. It seemed a safe bet; he had yet to come to a place that couldn’t throw together a decent fry-up. He wasn’t disappointed. The eggs were perfectly brown at the edges, and the toast was crisp on the outside while being warm and soft on the inside. They even served back bacon instead of the stripey kind he’d come to expect from the area. Overall, a satisfying meal. Yet for as good as the cooking had been, eating had grown rather difficult part way through the meal. Not for Sonar, who had systematically decimated a plate of pancakes so sweet that Ardwin’s teeth hurt just to look at them. Not for the lucario, either, who had foregone the cutlery set out for him in favour of tearing into his steak with his fangs. But Ardwin had started encountering trouble right about when he started in on his sausages. Their waiter came around shortly after that point. Sonar was sitting content on one side of the table, freshly stuffed with fruit, pastry, and ungodly amounts of syrup. The lucario was leaning back dangerously in his chair, picking at his fangs with a fork, the first time he’d laid a paw on any of his cutlery. Ardwin was sitting ramrod straight in front of a plate picked clean of everything but two and a half sausages, hands at his sides. The tensed muscles, the way his face had twisted into an expression that was clearly trying and failing not to become a grimace—the waiter had never seen a purer expression of discomfort in his entire career. He didn’t know what was causing that, and he didn’t particularly want to know. But his job and the potential for a tip forced him to approach the table anyway, flashing the trio his most winning smile before he started grabbing plates, starting with the two empty ones before locking eyes with Ardwin. “Are you finished with this, sir?” he said, and was met with a response of silent jaw movements from Ardwin. Concerning. “Sir, are you—” Before that concern could manifest itself as an inquiry as to his well-being, Ardwin preempted it with an answer. “Haha, yep, all good here! Great service! Could we get a check? I’ll be sure to leave you a tip or whatever!” In his experience, nobody was that enthusiastic about paying for a meal unless they were being held at gunpoint or if it was the only thing standing between them and [i]getting some[/i]. Given that, the absence of firearms, and lack of any other humans at the table, the waiter ought to have been moved towards even greater concern that he already held. However, he was more moved by the prospect of a tip. So instead of probing any further into a matter that was already starting to wig him out, he simply took Ardwin’s plate and started off towards the kitchen, saying that he’d return shortly. Ardwin breathed a sigh of relief as soon as the waiter rounded the corner. He was not having a positive breakfast experience. It wasn’t anything to do with the restaurant, no, the restaurant was lovely. Very low-key decorations, mimicking the feel of a diner without the confining size they tended to have, evoking all the charm of a greasy spoon without any of the greasiness. They even had long, checkered tablecloths that ran all the way down to the floor. It was delightfully tacky. Ardwin was appreciating the tablecloths for more than their kitschy aesthetic appeal, though. That was because, under the table and out of view of any of the other diners or waitstaff, the lucario had a paw planted firmly between his legs. Though that was an understatement as to the severity of the situation. It had [i]started[/i] as just a paw between his legs, rubbing at him through the fabric of his shorts, and that much Ardwin had been able to withstand. It made his breakfast unpleasant, certainly, but the lucario had done far worse to him in far more public settings. What was essentially a glorified grope could be endured. The lucario had realised that, as well, which was why he had gone further still. Once Ardwin was well and erect under the attention of the lucario’s paw, felt through a layer of denim as it might’ve been, the lucario cleared his throat, caught Ardwin’s eye—and through a series of silent, intricate hand gestures, invited Ardwin to unzip. Perhaps not invited. ‘Ordered’ would be the correct term to use. To be sure, the lucario wouldn’t do anything if Ardwin chose to feign a lack of understanding or ignore the order outright—while they were in the restaurant. It would be once they left the restaurant and there were no people around that the consequences would become manifest, and Ardwin had no doubt that they would be severe. So, under the threat of that theoretical and unknown punishment, against his will and better judgment, Ardwin had reached down and unzipped his shorts. He’d attempted to stop there, but after yet another colourful motion from the lucario, he’d been forced to push his erection through his fly and out into the open air. Which left him where he was now. The toes of lucario’s paw clenched, and with that came a squeeze around the base of Ardwin’s cock. He could feel his dick throb and let loose a dribble of pre even as he cringed and balled his hands into even tighter fists than they already were, the fabric of the tablecloth the only thing keeping his fingernails from pushing right through the skin of his palms. Even having been on the receiving end of it so many times already, Ardwin still couldn’t help but be amazed at the sheer level of dexterity the lucario had achieved with his paws. He was, while sitting down, using one paw, and without the benefit of sight, giving Ardwin a footjob. Or would it be considered a pawjob? Maybe a toejob, since it was only with one foot. Paw. Footpaw. Ardwin realised that the train of thought he was on was trite and ultimately completely meaningless. The problem was that it was either focus on that kind of trite nonsense or focus on the fact that the lucario was leaning back and fixing him with a smug look while milking his cock with a foot, just out of view of every other paying customer in the restaurant. “Hey,” the lucario said, making use of his telepathy for the first time since he’d started in on his latest lewd escapade—and moving Ardwin to realise that all the perverted hand gestures he’d been communicating with either had been utterly unnecessary, given the private nature of mind-to-mind communication. Ardwin scowled a bit. The lucario’s next words did not abate his frustration. “Get under the table.” Get under the table. Get under the table? Get under the table. The lucario wanted him to get under the table. Ardwin did not want to get under the table. Seeking some form of support in the matter, Ardwin turned his gaze to Sonar, giving him a pleading look in hopes that the noivern would use the minor amount of influence he possessed in some way that would make it so that Ardwin did [i]not[/i] have to get under the table. In turn, Sonar fixed a firm eye on Ardwin, pushed himself upright in his chair—and then belched, before settling back down into his seat, content to play the part of innocent customer and pretend he knew just as much about what was going on under the tablecloth as anyone else in the restaurant. Ardwin slowly pulled his eyes away, lowering them down to stare at the space in front of him where there’d once been a plate. He felt the paw wrapped around his cock pull itself away, and the lucario stared at him expectantly. He was going to have to go under the table. Slowly, deliberately, Ardwin grabbed a fork from the table. Then, with a sudden hand spasm that was faster but no less deliberate, he dropped it to the floor, where it clattered and skidded across the tile until it came to rest under the table. “Oops,” Ardwin said, trying and failing to make the word sound genuine instead of the mechanical noise it ended up coming out as. “I’ll get it.” And so Ardwin pushed his chair back ever so slightly, just enough that he could move without having to fully remove himself from the privacy shield of the tablecloth, and did an awkward shimmy down from his chair and onto his knees. He had no doubt it looked ridiculous, and he hoped that nobody had watched him do it, but it was just about the only way he could get off his chair and down to the ground without having to give everyone in the restaurant far more of a show than he was willing to provide. He realised shortly after his knees touched down onto the tile that he could’ve just zipped up his pants and [i]then[/i] gotten out of his chair. That would’ve been the perfect opportunity to curse his own stupidity, had his attention not been swiftly stolen by the lucario’s voice once again ringing out in his mind. “Good pet. Now lick my paw.” The lucario raised his leg as he spoke, baring the aforementioned paw for Ardwin’s inspection. And of course, it was the same paw that had been pressed against his cock mere moments before, which meant that it was absolutely dripping with Ardwin’s own fluids. It stood as something of a testament to just how good the lucario was with his feet. Or foot, in this instance. Ardwin grit his teeth in embarrassment, started crawling forward—and serendipity shone through, because it was only by means of those gritted teeth that he kept himself from yelping loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear, though there was nothing to be done about the sound of his head slamming into the underside of the table. That drew a few glances, but nothing that wasn’t quickly disarmed by the lucario’s confident, self-assured smile. Once he’d recovered, Ardwin reached down and grabbed the fork that had so rudely placed itself in the path of his knee. The very same fork that he had ostensibly gone underneath the table to retrieve. Thankfully, the tongs were free of blood, though that didn’t keep it from smarting where he’d been jabbed. Well, this whole thing was off to a great start. Setting the fork well off to the side, Ardwin ignored the pain throbbing in both his head and knee in favour of focusing on the task at hand. ...Which was to lick his own precum off the paw of his lucario. Three toes wiggled impatiently at him, wet and shiny in what little light managed to penetrate the tablecloth. And to think, Ardwin had dared to hope that it might’ve been a good day on the walk over here. With no reason to drag things out any further and every reason to hurry things along, what with the very public setting and very real risk of being punished for any sluggishness on his part, Ardwin grabbed the lucario’s paw from around the ankle and moved his face up close to it. The lucario’s foot was mercifully clean—Ardwin thanked the restaurant’s tireless janitorial staff for keeping the floors sanitary—yet still possessed its own unique, subtle scent, as the lucario’s paws always did, no matter how thoroughly they’d been washed. It mingled with the smell of his own musk. Both scents he was intimately familiar with, for strikingly similar reasons. He was stalling. Why was he stalling? There was literally no benefit to it, unless he wanted everyone to start wondering why he was taking so long to pick up a fork. Brushing aside his base reluctance as he’d done so many times before, he opened his mouth, pushed out his tongue, and dragged it along the lucario’s pawpads in one big lick before his brain could throw out any thoughts that would slow him down any further. His taste buds immediately rang out with the mixed flavours of precum and lucario foot. Ah, right. That was why he was stalling. Because, as he once again remembered despite his attempts to pretend he was doing literally anything else, he was lapping at his lucario’s paws with only a thin layer of fabric preventing every Tom, Dick, and Harry from seeing it. Or togepi, ditto, and happiny, given the restaurant’s clientele. That was almost clever. He’d have to remember that one. Thinking about nonsense like that might’ve been enough for Ardwin to successfully dissociate himself from his present circumstances, were it not for the lucario’s voice again intruding on his thoughts. “Hey, make sure you get between the toes, too. That was where your dick spent most of its time, after all.” The lucario’s comments were appreciated just as much as ever, which was to say, not very. Regardless, Ardwin followed the directions given, shifting his focus away from the pawpads he’d been polishing and instead driving his tongue into the cracks between the lucario’s digits. Sure enough, that was there the majority of his pre seemed to have collected. The balance of flavours briefly shifted towards Ardwin’s own as he dug his precum out from the pokémon’s pawfur and gulped it down, though it quickly returned to the bitter-earthy-salty taste of lucario toes once he’d gotten all there was to get. Then, he shifted to the gap between the next two toes. Ardwin did his job without passion but with mechanical efficiency, speed borne of familiarity meaning no time was wasted and no slack was given. A bang-up job, a level of quality that he would be proud of were it exhibited in any other task than slurping at a pokémon’s foot. When Ardwin had finished, he had no time to congratulate himself on a job well done even if he had a mind to do so; the lucario was moving his paw down, dragging his slick pawpads along Ardwin’s face and smearing his face with spit before pulling his foot away entirely, returning it to the floor. “Great work, really great,” the lucario said, the praise sounding genuine enough to make Ardwin’s skin crawl. “So great that I’d be remiss if I didn’t use your mouth for something more exciting.” Ardwin really hoped he wasn’t about to be asked to suck dick. “How about you come over here and suck my dick?” Couldn’t even say he’d jinxed that one, it was practically a foregone conclusion. Letting out a sigh that was purely mental, so as not to attract any undue attention from fellow customers, Ardwin crawled even further forward. He made sure to give the piece of silverware that was his singular companion under the table a dirty look as he did so. When his eyes returned to the front and centre, he was met by the sight of the lucario’s junk. Already erect, as it probably had been from the moment Ardwin had been ordered under the table, given that pre was already beading on the tip of it. His knot had yet to reveal itself, though Ardwin could see it quite clearly, bulging through his sheath as it was. A canine pokémon thing. It got stuck in there sometimes, apparently, and needed a bit of manual assistance to free itself. Ardwin reached up and pushed back on the lucario’s sheath, bunching it up around the root of his cock and freeing his knot to the open air. It didn’t occur to Ardwin that this was a very strange tidbit of pokémon biology to know, and that it was even stranger that his immediate response had been to help it along. Everything, absolutely every part of that small action, had been automatic. For as much as he loathed his position as the lucario’s bitch, he had certainly taken to it with skill. Regardless of any of that, Ardwin was left staring down the barrel of lucario’s gun, so to speak. Meaning he was going to get a belly full of lead, so to speak. Definitely not a peashooter, more along the lines of an elephant gun... so to speak. Where was Ardwin going with this analogy, again? Probably nowhere. He just didn’t want to suck the lucario’s cock. Wasting time like that wasn’t earning Ardwin any favours, and it did nothing to keep the lucario’s smell from invading his nose. It wasn’t anything like his paws; with Ardwin’s face between the lucario’s legs as it was, his smell hung heavy in the air, making the air feel almost thick as Ardwin drew it into his lungs. It was humid with sweat, sweat that was suffused with the lucario’s musk. It was a wild, animal scent, overpoweringly masculine. As the smell of it invaded the deeper reaches of Ardwin’s sinuses, he was made aware by the twitching of his own cock that, yes, the erection he’d gotten from the lucario’s pawjob was still present and in full force. Why that particular moment it had chosen to push itself back to the forefront of his attention, Ardwin did not know—though it likely wouldn’t have taken too much guesswork to figure out. Which was why, rather than put in that effort to come to a conclusion that he dearly did not want to reach, Ardwin instead chose to refocus his attention on the task at hand. With a sudden burst of motion, he pushed his face forward and drove the lucario’s cock into his mouth, taking it in until it pressed up against the entrance to his throat. His gag reflex attempted to make itself known, but was quite easily suppressed. Ardwin had more than enough experience doing this to keep such things under control. It was by focusing on the more technical aspects of the blowjob that Ardwin was able to ignore the fact that he was, in fact, giving a blowjob. Until the realisation of that fact crossed his mind and such meta-analysis forced him to acknowledge that he was blowing his lucario, again. In public... again. Yes, it wasn’t even a first in that regard, though this was certainly the most egregious example of it thus far. Usually, the lucario seemed satisfied with alleyways when it came to risking doing anything in public. How many times had he wound up with his face between the lucario’s thighs, anyway? It had to be two or three times a day at least, and over two months, that meant times thirty... No. No math about things he definitely didn’t want to think about. He wasn’t even good at math to begin with. Ardwin distracted himself from that very much unwanted thought process by throwing himself even further into the blowjob, and could hear the lucario give out the slightest rumble from above at the sudden rush of enthusiasm. “Had a change of heart, did we?” the lucario said. “Keep it up, and I’ll see that we ‘eat out’ more often.” Ardwin wanted to grit his teeth at that comment, but the circumstances made that quite impossible for obvious reasons. The lucario’s tone made it sound like that was supposed to be some sort of pun. It wasn’t. It wasn’t even wordplay of any kind. You ate out a pussy, you [i]sucked[/i] a cock. Truly, the lucario was the absolute worst. It wasn’t the first time Ardwin’d had to suck dick while irritated, but it was definitely the [i]most[/i] irritated he’d been while doing it. Funnily enough, though, his performance didn’t even suffer as a result of his mood. He could dole out the angriest blowjob on the planet and it would serve just as well as one he’d been delighted to give. That was good for him, considering that no matter his mood or the circumstances surrounding him, Ardwin was never pleased to have the lucario’s cock in his mouth. He had to be able to do what he had to do regardless of how much he’d rather be doing anything else. Though motivation and ability were only two factors at play, with the third being what was realistically feasible. Ardwin was doing his best, but the necessity of keeping things silent was greatly impacting his performance. It was easy enough to give a good blowjob, it wasn’t hard to give a quiet blowjob, but it was quite a task to provide a good, quiet blowjob. The best ones were loud and sloppy almost by necessity. That meant things were taking longer than expected. Though between his own annoyance and the all-consuming task of sucking the lucario’s cock, Ardwin had hardly noticed how much time he was burning up. It was only when he heard the lucario’s voice in his mind again that that particular aspect of the situation was brought to his attention. “Best pick up the pace. Waiter’s coming.” Ardwin’s heart stopped, dropped into his stomach, then swung back up into the frantic beat of pure panic. The waiter. He’d gone to get the check. But surely he’d just assume Ardwin had just gone to the bathroom or something, right? Unless the lucario pointed out where he was. Or any one of the half dozen people who’d seen him crawl under the table. Oh fuck. Angry blowjobs were one thing, but Ardwin had never given a frantic, desperate blowjob before. The bobbing of his head up and down on the lucario’s shaft, the bulging of his throat as it worked to fill the role of sleeve for the pokémon’s pleasure, the beads of spit and pre that rolled out from between his lips and down his chin—it all combined to form quite a visual, one that was rendered all the more interesting by the fact that it was almost completely silent. It was almost a shame that none of them were able to see it. But it didn’t seem like it was going to be enough. Ardwin could hear the sounds of footsteps approaching the table; no doubt the waiter was only a few seconds away, and as far as he could tell, the lucario was not. Panic continued to intensify in Ardwin’s chest, gripping tight around lungs already deprived of air from the sheer gusto with which he was sucking his pokémon’s cock. But the lucario’s voice once again intruded on his thoughts, sounding the spitting image of calm in spite of being on the receiving end of a blowjob—Ardwin supposed that was one of the many benefits of telepathy, being able to sound just the way you wanted in spite of your physical condition. “If you don’t fancy being caught with your lips pressed up against my sheath, I’d recommend squeezing my knot.” Condescension and objectification aside, the lucario’s words actually calmed Ardwin down a bit, which was probably a first. The knot, of [i]course[/i] the knot; Ardwin had been so wrapped up in the fear of getting caught that he’d forgotten everything he’d learned about the particularities of the lucario’s anatomy. Specifically, that it felt good when the knot was squeezed. Really good. That being the reason why he tried to cram it inside Ardwin at every given opportunity. So Ardwin reached up, grabbed the lucario’s knot with both hands and, as he’d been advised to do, squeezed down. The reaction was immediate, so much so that Ardwin suspected the lucario had been holding back up until this very moment. There was the slightest growl from above, then the cock throbbed between Ardwin’s lips, pressing out against the walls of his throat before the first rope of cum surged out and shot straight down his esophagus. Ardwin swallowed, less out of any real need to do so, what with every shot of the lucario’s seed making its way almost directly into his stomach, but more out of instinct. Those instincts seemed to be perfectly geared towards pleasing the lucario, as his throat tightened around the however-many inches of cock that were crammed inside it, wringing it for every drop of cum that it had to offer. Given the way the lucario’s thighs closed in and wrapped around the sides of Ardwin’s head, trapping him in place, it was something that the pokémon seemed to appreciate. Perhaps a bit too much, in fact. The lucario’s orgasm seemed to drag on for ages, every rope of cum working its way down through Ardwin to pool in his stomach. The amount of it wasn’t the problem, even if there was so much of it that, what with it coming right after breakfast, Ardwin would be left feeling bloated all the way to lunch. The problem was that, regardless of Ardwin repeatedly tapping on his knees, the lucario would not remove his thighs from their position around Ardwin’s skull. They seemed intent on staying there until their owner was well and finished. In reality, it hadn’t gone on for that long, maybe fifteen seconds max. To Ardwin, it might as well have been a century. Footsteps were approaching from the other side of the tablecloth, easy to detect with how low to the ground he was—sounded like they were about twenty feet back. Being able to pin it down to such an exact distance made it seem like Ardwin had some sort of talent, but really, the waiter just had really loud footsteps. Ardwin was pretty sure the guy was wearing heelys. Before things could get any more grim than they were, the lucario decided to showcase some shred of mercy. He released his grip on Ardwin’s head, something that Ardwin took instant advantage of. He found that might’ve been better served if he’d waited another second or two, because in pulling off so quick, he put himself in the perfect position for the last spurt of the lucario’s cum to land directly in his mouth. Even coming right on the tail end of his orgasm, it was more than enough to have Ardwin’s cheeks bulging with its sheer volume. But there was no time to regret his hastiness. Ardwin pulled the rest of the way off of the lucario’s dick, shuffled back out from between his legs, and pushed his way out from under the table as quickly as he could manage. So quickly, in fact, that he almost forgot that his own cock was still very much erect, and very much exposed. Had it not been for the tablecloth, that square of fabric more valuable to him than all the silk in the world, more blessed than any priest’s vestments, he would have to deal with becoming an unwilling flasher on top of being an unwilling poképhile. It didn’t save him from banging his head on the edge of the table on the way up, though, which served as an effective way of getting the waiter’s attention as he reseated himself in his chair, pulled it as far in to the table as he could, and rubbed at his head where he’d smacked it. The waiter had checked his approach, standing still about fifteen feet away, staring at him with wide eyes with a pen and paper held in one hand. The check. Good Arceus above, Ardwin had never been more eager to give someone money in all his life; he’d pay just about any price to get out of the restaurant. Maybe even walk out of it without anyone having to know that he’d just sucked his lucario off under the breakfast table. ...and maybe that would be an easier charade to pull off if he got rid of the mouthful of lucario cum still swirling around his cheeks, first. The waiter had recovered from the shock of seeing Ardwin scrabble out from underneath the table as if there were a pack of ravenous mightyena lurking behind the tablecloth that he’d barely managed to escape, and was once again approaching. The lucario was looking at Ardwin with a grin as smug as it was lecherous. Sonar was observing things with all the barely checked excitement of someone watching an action movie. Ardwin turned his face away from the whole lot of them and swallowed. His throat worked, bulging ever so slightly from having to gulp all that cum down at once, but it made its way down alright. Once it had made its way clear of his windpipe, Ardwin let out a sigh and sucked in a breath. Just time enough for him to catch his breath. He certainly needed it, after all he’d been through. In, out. In, out. Play it cool. Someone cleared their throat. Ardwin knew exactly who it was, not from it being a particularly identifying sound or from it coming from a particular direction, but because it didn’t come from any direction at all. It was just there, sourceless. Telepathy. The lucario was trying to get his attention. The lucario was precisely the last person Ardwin wanted to look at after everything that had just transpired. At the same time, he couldn’t really ignore such a blatant demand for his attention. So after drawing in one more long breath through his nose, Ardwin turned his head to look. The lucario was staring at him, tapping on his chin with a paw. It took a moment for the gears in Ardwin’s mind to spin up and recognize what it was the lucario was trying to convey. Ardwin reached a hand up towards his own face and ran his fingers along his chin. There was something wet there. When he pulled his hand away to look at it, there was a great glob of white smeared across his fingers, large enough that it would’ve been impossible to have mistaken it as anything else. Particularly after he’d just been seen crawling out from under a table. The waiter was ten feet away, now. That was far away enough that he wouldn’t have seen, right? Ardwin certainly hoped so. Trying to move as quickly as he could without looking like he was freaking out—even though he was very, very much freaking out—Ardwin snatched up his napkin and started dabbing at his face frantically, wiping everywhere for lack of a mirror to tell which parts he had cum on. He heard a snicker echoing out of the same nowhere that the throat clearing had come from. He was pretty sure he’d just gotten all of it when the waiter made it to the table, who wasted no time in addressing Ardwin. “Excuse me, sir, are you alright? I heard you bang your head pretty hard, there.” Now that he had time to think about it, yes, his head was definitely stinging quite a bit where he’d smacked it. It was fine, though. Even if he’d been concussed, it’d still be fine; he didn’t want to talk to the waiter any longer than was absolutely necessary. Didn’t want to talk to him at all, really, after an errant thought that the guy would smell cum on his breath entered his head. But he couldn’t just sit there silently. “Haha, yeah, I’m fine,” Ardwin said, the words spilling out of him in a way that sounded like he was trying to be casual, which was about as suspicious and far from casual as one could possibly sound. “I, um, dropped my fork. And then my contact lens fell out, so I had to get that. Ain’t that how it is, right? Haha. Here you go, keep the change!” As he was speaking, Ardwin had fished his wallet out of his pocket, and had thrust a handful of bills out towards his waiter. The waiter paused for a second, then took the money. He’d done his due diligence in asking about the head thing, and his concern had been allayed by his customer acting really weird and laughing a lot. Good enough for him. For all he knew, this guy was just really, really nervous about eating in restaurants. Not like he hadn’t had weirder customers while on the job. He flicked through the bills and started counting up numbers. There was enough there to cover the meal, alright. There was also a twenty dollar tip besides. ‘Keep the change.’ In the waiter’s mind, any customer that tipped more than ten bucks was beyond reproach, weirdness or no. He smiled, gave the same spiel about how he hoped they enjoyed their meal that he gave to everyone he waited on, and then turned and walked off towards the kitchen. Ardwin took advantage of the opportunity to slump back in his chair, finally able to relax just a bit after all the blood pumping action he’d had to pull through. Blood pumping. There was probably a dick joke in there somewhere, but Ardwin had neither the energy nor inclination to reach for it. He just wanted to keep leaning back until the cushions of his chair swallowed him up and he disappeared. Unfortunately, he wasn’t nearly as lucky. Instead, the voice of the lucario intruded on his thoughts once again. “Figure they won’t let you go under the table again. How about you head over to the bathroom to finish up with Sonar?” Finish up with Sonar? Ardwin glanced over at the aforementioned noivern and, sure enough, the bat was looking at him with nothing less than blatant, undisguised desire. Which was natural, given he had no reason to hide such feelings. Why would he, when he was being handed the object of them on a silver platter? Ardwin reached up and ran a hand up along his face and through his hair, feeling his palm glide along a sheen of sweat that was only partially his own. It was shaping up to be a long day. --- Smuggling a noivern with a full-fledged erection across the restaurant and into the bathroom without being noticed turned out to be something of a tall order. Regardless of pokémon having free reign to roam about naked, it was still considered somewhat taboo for them to be seen strutting about while they were ‘flying high’. Ardwin imagined nudist colonies faced similar issues. He certainly wouldn’t want to see anyone flopping about while he was trying to enjoy his breakfast. But they were only a table or two away from the bathroom, and the few patrons around their table had cleared out around the time that Ardwin finished paying the waiter. Pure coincidence, no doubt. Or they had caught on to what Ardwin was doing and wanted to leave at the earliest convenience. There was really no way of knowing, no matter how hard he thought about it. To prove this to himself, Ardwin would spend the next three or so nights thinking about it constantly while trying to sleep. But that was a future problem. His more immediate problem of getting a clear route across the restaurant had been solved, him and Sonar had scampered across the floor as quickly as they could muster without arousing suspicion—if it were another human, rushing into the bathroom side-by-side would be rather suspicious in and of itself, but the rules were different for pokémon—and now Ardwin was faced with the latest in the seemingly unending series of problems that was his life. Sonar had taken command of the situation as soon as they’d gotten through the door and a quick glance at the three stalls inside confirmed that there was nobody else around to hear what they were up to. The noivern had grabbed him by the wrist, led him with gentle insistence into the nearest stall, sat him down on the toilet there, and then slipped inside himself. Ardwin was left sitting there gawping up at Sonar who, after sliding the lock on the door shut with a claw, turned to face him. Ardwin was impressed that the noivern was even able to fit into so confined a space, what with the wings and the tail to worry about, but he seemed able to abide just fine. How fortunate. Sonar certainly seemed to think so, judging by the great big grin on his face. Though the noviern’s face was not where Ardwin found his attention being drawn. His eyes trailed down Sonar’s body, any vestige of shame Ardwin might’ve felt at such brazen eyeballing having been long since burnt out, until they finally arrived at their destination. Bobbing in front of him at right about eye level was Sonar’s cock, the struggle for privacy having done nothing to temper his excitement—perhaps having even increased it, given the way pre was starting to bead at the tip. Claws scrabbled on linoleum as Sonar shuffled forward, closing the gap between them until his cock was poking Ardwin in the cheek. An area of the cheek far too close to his eye socket for comfort, as a matter of fact. Purely to eliminate any risk of needing to wear glasses in the near future—the shaded kind, the ones that were more for the benefit of the people around you than yourself—Ardwin reached up and wrapped a hand around Sonar’s cock, pointing it more towards his mouth and, most importantly, well and away from his eyes. Whatever the reasoning behind his actions, Sonar enjoyed it all the same. He let out a low croon, barely audible, and bucked his hips so that his dick slid through Ardwin’s fingers and fucked the grip of his hand like a hole in its own right. Friction ought to have been an issue, given the lack of lube, but the noviern’s dick was slick with the moisture from the inside of his slit and every passing second of stimulation drew more pre dribbling from the end of Sonar’s cock until droplets of the stuff were running down the inside of Ardwin’s wrist. Which rapidly made things slippery enough until, with one particularly powerful thrust, Sonar pushed his way right past the grip of Ardwin’s hand so that the head of his cock poked against his lips. Ardwin reeled back slightly. Damn if Sonar wasn’t one drippy dragon; the handjob, if the weird hand-fucking thing they were doing could really be called that, had been going on for all of thirty seconds, and his hand already felt downright slimy. Well, at least that meant Sonar would probably be quick to finish. Ardwin didn’t feel like spending any more time in a public bathroom than was absolutely necessary at the best of times, and that went double for when he was engaging in public indecency. Was it public indecency if he was doing it in a stall? Ardwin wasn’t entirely sure. He was sure he didn’t want anyone walking in while he had Sonar’s dick pointed at his face, regardless of the answer. But damn if Ardwin didn’t hear the door to the bathroom swing open right as that thought ran through his mind. His lucario might’ve been a telepath, but Ardwin seemed to be becoming something of a soothsayer, if only in regards to things that personally inconvenienced him. A questionable talent, but at least it meant he was prescient enough to pull his feet up and out of view so that whoever was out there couldn’t peek under the stall door and see two pairs of legs inside. Footsteps approached the outside of the stall, and Ardwin held his breath. It wasn’t a long hold, though, as they went on by without stopping. Unfortunately, that was because those footsteps moved into the stall directly beside Ardwin’s. The walls rattled slightly as the stranger shut the door behind himself. Ardwin could see a pair of shoes on the other side of the divider. Oxfords. Quite shiny ones, too. Ardwin could hear their owner fumbling with his belt buckle for a few seconds before a pair of khaki dress pants dropped down to cover them. Ardwin’s habit of focusing on small and irrelevant details when he was being forced to do something he didn’t want to do seemed to be rearing its head again. He probably wouldn’t have caught onto that behaviour of his if it wasn’t for the fact that he’d had to do things he didn’t want to do every single day for the past two months, usually relating to dick. He’d also noticed that said habit had never proven very effective, mostly because it was hard to ignore something when it could literally poke you right in the face. Or when it could grab you by the back of the head, overpower whatever fiddling amount of strength your arms possessed, and jam itself right into your mouth. Which was, of course, exactly what Sonar did. Ardwin’s momentary distraction proved to be just what the noivern needed to shift from unenthusiastic handjob to surprise blowjob. More shock blowjob, really, given Ardwin had run out of situations where a blowjob could cause him any amount of surprise. He inhaled sharply through his nose when Sonar’s cock suddenly speared its way past his lips and buried itself halfway into his mouth, but instincts kicked in quick enough that he successfully avoided gagging. The good part of that being an instinctual reaction was that Ardwin was totally unconscious of what it meant. Namely, that it meant he’d been forced into enough blowjobs that he’d developed a gut reaction towards giving them. If he’d been aware of that, it probably would’ve bothered him. Instead, once his conscious mind caught up with everything that had unfolded over the past second or two, Ardwin got to dwell on the fact that Sonar was now fucking his mouth while what seemed to be a rather dapper gentleman was sitting mere feet to the side, separated only by a wall a fraction of an inch thick. It was a bother. It was a supreme bother. Ardwin was always bothered when the lucario decided to pull sexual stunts where other people might see or hear it, which was probably why he did it as often as he did. It was somehow even more bothersome when Sonar did it. Probably because Sonar wasn’t doing it to get Ardwin riled, like the lucario did. Ardwin got that; he knew that Sonar didn’t have a malevolent bone in his body. Sonar was just doing it because it felt good. Because the lucario had told him to. Because he didn’t know any better. ...because Ardwin knew that Sonar wasn’t some sort of dumb animal, and that he [i]did[/i] know better. Because ‘knowing better’ implied value judgment, but human values and pokémon weren’t the same. Because as far as Sonar was concerned, this was just a way for them to feel good together. Ardwin glanced up at Sonar. It was a good thing that the noivern was as naturally quiet as he was, because he seemed to have only the barest shred of concern for stealth. He was panting, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, and it was only through diligent mouth work on the part of Ardwin that the sounds of slurping and wet thrusting weren’t ringing off the walls of the stall. The noivern didn’t care. Ardwin wondered at that, even as the greater part of his attention was consumed with trying to silently slurp up precum before it could escape and dribble down his chin. He wondered at how Sonar cared so little about the power structure that had formed around their life, strangling them within the grip of the lucario’s control. Because it meant that Sonar could get closer to Ardwin. No time for that thought to expand any more than it already had; Sonar let out a low growl that Ardwin dearly hoped didn’t arouse the suspicion of the patron beside them before throwing his hips forward and pulling Ardwin’s face into his lap. His throat was at last brought into the action that had previously been restrained to his mouth, the noivern’s cock finding a ready home there. One throb, then another, then Ardwin could feel a blast of cum shooting past his mouth and blasting its way directly into his stomach. No noisy suction necessary, and given that Sonar wasn’t the type to belt out loud moans of pleasure, the entire thing was near enough to complete silence that Ardwin was sure that the man next door couldn’t hear any of it. Was pretty sure. Relatively sure. He certainly wasn’t commenting on it if he did hear it, and it wasn’t as if Ardwin could do anything even if the guy [i]could[/i] hear it. His attention was entirely consumed trying to gulp down every rope of cum that Sonar sent shooting down into his stomach, as if his swallowing had any effect past just adding extra stimulation while the noivern rode out his orgasm. There wasn’t much Ardwin could say about it. Besides it taking place in a public bathroom, it was about the same as any other time Sonar took the chance to make use of his mouth. His output was impressive, and every drop of it went directly into Ardwin’s stomach until he could feel the warm, heavy weight of it sitting in his belly. It took awhile, but Ardwin had become skilled at breathing through his nose, so the length presented no difficulty. Eventually, Sonar’s hands relaxed, and Ardwin took the opportunity to finally pull his head out from Sonar’s lap. Despite Ardwin’s best efforts, there was a wet schlorp as Sonar’s cock pulled its way free from his throat, followed by a pop as the head of it tugged past his lips. That wasn’t a suspicious kind of noise, Ardwin assured himself. It wasn’t that loud. They could get away with that without it being obvious what they were doing. Or they probably could’ve, if Ardwin hadn’t broken into a coughing fit immediately after, trying to clear his airway of the cum still clinging to his throat. After a long string of human coughs coming from the stall with the very much not human claws and tail visible under the divider, it was probably pretty evident that some funny business was going on in there. Sonar looked down at him with an expression of what seemed like quite genuine concern. Ardwin felt only a little bad for ignoring it completely as he got to his feet and pushed his way past the noivern and out of the stall. Nope. He wasn’t gonna wait around for Mr. Fancy Shoes in the next stall over to start asking questions. He was probably just as mortified as Ardwin was; he hadn’t moved or made a sound the whole time. Probably just sitting there and waiting, hoping desperately that they would just leave soon. He didn’t even wash his hands. Given the sorts of things that tended to go on in public restrooms, it probably wasn’t the first time the restaurant had seen someone storming out of one in a hurry with someone following sheepishly behind, whatever the reasons behind those behaviours tended to be. Maybe those past examples weren’t even sexual. Plenty of stuff drove people to go to the bathroom that didn’t involve fucking, after all. Ardwin comforted himself with that thought as he went to grab the lucario and, thankfully, didn’t get dragged into another scene while trying to leave. He tried to convince himself that all the eyes he felt staring at him were just his nerves playing up, as well. --- Ardwin’s life had come to a strange place indeed when banging his pokémon in a public bathroom was considered to be on the more private end of his sexual encounters. He’d kind of stopped caring, though, purely by means of desensitization. It wasn’t as if he wanted to be giving blowjobs under tables, in bathrooms, in alleyways, wherever he got pressured into it. It was just that it was really, really hard to stay indignant when he had to keep doing it over and over. So he just kind of dealt with it, now. Ardwin was stressed whenever stuff like that happened and was anxious for a few minutes afterwards when it was still kind of uncertain as to whether or not anyone would actually call him out on what he’d done. But when people invariably didn’t, either from successful stealth on his part or a lack of desire to get involved on theirs, those feelings faded. Generally, he was left feeling mildly pissy, and that was about it. He tried not to feel pissy. However awful his circumstances were, Ardwin couldn’t do much but try to remain optimistic. So, having paid for the meal and successfully sated the desires of his team for a minimum of the next thirty minutes, Ardwin led his team out onto the nearby routes, ready for a day of training with a feeling of hope that things might not remain as horrible as they’d started off being. Though training was a very suggestive word that carried rather inaccurate implications. Ardwin was present for the training, and nominally held the title ‘trainer’. He was not, however, training the lucario. Ardwin’s presence was required purely because a pokémon couldn’t go around fighting without a human to oversee them. That sort of thing tended to result in Pokémon Control being called and trainer licenses being revoked. He supposed that Sonar still took his orders. The lucario hadn’t gone quite so far as to chew Ardwin out for daring to direct the pokémon that had been his to begin with. That was good, because if he hadn’t been able to command either of his pokémon, Ardwin would’ve gotten a lot more questions than he was already getting. After all, the lucario was shiny, his fighting style was flashy, and all of those things meant he got a whole lot of attention—attention which made it very quickly apparent to any onlookers that Ardwin wasn’t giving a single order to direct all that power. They were all keen to know why. Ardwin had concocted a spiel for the occasion, a whole load of nonsense about how it was just because they had ‘such a close bond’ that it wasn’t even necessary for him to give directions. It was a load of crap. Ardwin was pretty sure that half the people he talked to knew that, no matter how much effort he put into selling the idea, though that could’ve just as well been his own paranoia about everyone knowing every little thing about what he and his lucario did flaring up. Whatever they thought, they didn’t tend to probe much deeper after he’d given his response, and that was all that really mattered. None of that was anything out of the ordinary, anyway. Just typical everyday sort of stuff. What would really define whether the day was any good or not was whether the lucario tried to make any moves on Ardwin. And whether Sonar did, he supposed, though that was less likely. When they were out on the routes, Sonar tended to follow the lucario’s lead rather than take his own initiative. And it seemed that Ardwin’s hope wasn’t totally in vain after all, because aside from that brief bit of unpleasantness during breakfast, the lucario didn’t make any further moves. Not even when they went back into town and into the same restaurant for lunch—the lucario’s choice, since Ardwin certainly wouldn’t have chosen to go back if he’d had any say in the matter. They had a different waiter, at least. Ardwin didn’t want to think about what assumptions the last one had made since they’d last seen each other. Hopefully not the correct ones. But all that residual awkwardness and anxiety aside, the day was good. Surprisingly good. It wasn’t often that the lucario made his way through an entire afternoon without making some sort of advance on Ardwin. Ardwin had to wonder if something was wrong. He had to wonder if the lucario wasn’t plotting something extravagant. He had to wonder if that wasn’t the same sort of paranoia talking that’d had him glancing at the shoes of every patron in the restaurant to see if they were Oxfords. Ardwin told himself that he was being silly, that he had to be able to enjoy a break when he got it without worrying if there was some sort of plot beneath it. Once they’d finished their lunch and headed back out into the field, Ardwin tried his best to calm down and focus on... whatever minuscule amount of work he could actually do while the lucario battled. The whole afternoon passed by like that, and putting forth a conscious effort as he was, Ardwin eventually found himself in a state approaching relaxation. Not all the way there—he wasn’t quite sure he would ever be able to completely unwind while the lucario was around—but closer than he typically got. The sky took on a reddish-orange hue as the day burned itself up, and the three took that as their cue to make their way back to the hotel, their battling for the day having earned far more than enough to pay for another night’s stay. One bedroom, king size. Presumably, the hotel staff thought that Ardwin was going to put his two companions back in their pokéballs and take the one bed for himself. At most, they’d think that he was one of those trainers who slept in the same bed as their pokémon—not the most uncommon thing in the world, even if it was a bit strange. Most people treated them as pets, so why not? Nobody’s first thought would be that he was fucking them. He was fucking them, though. Or they were fucking him, a slight distinction. But the semantics didn’t matter, because they weren’t fucking Ardwin just yet. Once they’d walked in through the door, Sonar flopped down and sprawled out across the bed, the lucario made his way to the bathroom, and Ardwin slung his bag onto the kitchen table before taking a seat in front of it. There’d probably be fucking later in the night. The lucario didn’t like going to bed without getting his rocks off at least once. Given how early it was in the evening, though, Ardwin probably had at least a little time to spare. Seeing no way he could use that time to weasel his way out of the night’s inevitable festivities, Ardwin decided to use his time in the most productive way he could think of: dicking around on the Internet. Pulling a sleek and shiny notebook out of his backpack—bought with the money that the lucario drew in hand over fist—Ardwin cracked the lid, powered it on, and got to work. Work consisted of a brief run-through of the same five or so sites that Ardwin always visited, finding nothing of interest there, before he started delving into things that were a bit more exploratory. Just barely, though: he was browsing through the deals on an online shopping site. Not even an auction site, but the site of the monolithic corporation that had consumed the whole bazaar of the Internet and left in its place a convenient, tidy web application: Akamon. There was an alarm clock in the shape of a sylveon’s face for fifteen dollars. A wool onesie patterned after a Galarian ponyta for forty. A pack of entirely too many stickers of meowth, five bucks. All sorts of wonderful little items that Ardwin absolutely would not buy, but damn if they weren’t fun to look at. Ardwin had been so consumed by it that he’d hardly even noticed when the lucario came out of the bathroom. Not even a glance given as he crept up silently behind. Utterly ignorant up until Ardwin felt two paws grab around his shoulders, whereupon he... Hardly jumped at all, actually. Barely even flinched. Ardwin wondered what that lack of surprise indicated. Probably that he’d heard the lucario coming and just hadn’t really registered it consciously. Yeah, that sounded right. “Whatcha up to?” the lucario asked, dripping with the kind of casualness that Ardwin felt was so much worse than if he just stepped up and did—or took—whatever it was he wanted. Ardwin’s first instinct was to click away from the page, but he resisted. It didn’t matter what it was, Ardwin was just the kind of person who didn’t like other people looking over his shoulder while he was on the computer. Even if it was completely normal stuff, Ardwin would go to the desktop, or pull up a blank page, anything but let people see that he was... on a shopping website, he guessed. It wasn’t really much of a sensical habit. But it was one he had to break right quick. The lucario didn’t like it. It didn't help that the first time the lucario had caught him doing it, Ardwin had been looking at some decidedly [i]not[/i] worksafe material. That night had been difficult. He'd learned that secrecy was not an option, and to choose his browsing habits more carefully. Which was probably why browsing sales deals was now one of his Internet pastimes instead of crawling through any of the more interesting sites. It was a safer option. Currently, his cursor was hovering over a cheap plastic statue of a bellsprout that promised to dance for as long as it was exposed to sunlight. Seven dollars. “Uh, not much. Just, y’know, window shopping.” “Oh, no kiddin’?” the lucario said, leaning over the back of Ardwin’s chair to peer at the screen from over his shoulder. “That’s perfect. I had a few things I wanted to get, actually.” When he said that he wanted to get them, what the lucario really meant was that he wanted Ardwin to buy them. Ardwin was sure that if the lucario could manage to type or use a touchpad with those paws of his, he’d be set, but Ardwin’s gift of thumbs made him a necessary evil. But in spite of that, the lucario still spoke as if he were the one shopping. Funny how that was, how Ardwin was spoken of as if he were just an extension of the lucario—or more likely, just a tool to be used. “Go to categories,” the lucario said, reminding Ardwin that there was still shopping to be done. Ardwin moused over and clicked the link as he was instructed, though he couldn’t help but wonder how it was that the lucario was so familiar with the site. And, more worrisome, the fact that it implied that the lucario knew how to read English. Maybe it was some sort of telepathy thing, where he could piggyback off of Ardwin’s senses. Or maybe the lucario just knew more than he let on. Ardwin did wonder sometimes how it was that a shiny riolu would be able to avoid capture and fight off competitors long enough to evolve into a lucario. Considering how avid some of the other shiny hunters Ardwin had encountered were, it seemed impossible that he could manage such a thing. Unless... Whatever conclusion Ardwin might’ve been about to reach was brushed away by the lucario’s paw glancing against his cheek as he leaned forward and poked at the screen with a claw. “Clothing.” The pointing was utterly unnecessary—it wasn’t a touch screen, or else the lucario would probably be able to use it himself—but Ardwin clicked over to where he’d been directed. It brought up a page with all manner of subcategories: men’s, women’s, children’s, pokémon’s, jewellery, watches, accessories, more if he bothered to scroll down. He didn’t, but instead made something of an assumption and hovered his cursor over the link to the pokémon section. He waited for the lucario to tell him to click it. That didn’t happen. Instead, after a few seconds that Ardwin was sure were just the lucario purposely dragging out the moment, the lucario said to go to the women’s section. Ardwin hesitated. The day had been going so well that he’d let his guard down, but he should’ve expected this from the moment that the lucario said to go to the clothing section, if not the second that the lucario started speaking to him at all. What could he do, though? Barring the laptop suddenly and miraculously dying, there was no way the situation could play out any other way than him doing what he was told. So he did. Ardwin clicked the link, and yet another submenu sprang up to meet him. Coats. Dresses. Pants. Vests. Jeans, which Ardwin felt should’ve fallen in under pants, but apparently warranted its own category. There were enough options to fill the whole screen, but one particular link in the centre of things caught Ardwin’s attention right off the bat. “Intimates.” Underwear, coached in flowery language that could be marketed more easily. Rather than repeat the mistakes of last time, Ardwin restrained himself and this time [i]didn’t[/i] hover over the option that he thought the lucario was going to pick. It helped that, unlike last time, he very much did not want the lucario to validate his suspicions. But it made no difference. There was never any hope that it would. The word rang out in his mind in the lucario’s voice practically right after he’d thought it in his own thoughts. “Intimates.” Ardwin let out a silent sigh through his nose and clicked the link. The hotel must’ve had quite the Internet connection, because it took no time flat for the screen to populate with images of all manner of underwear, as he’d expected from the name. There were other things mixed in there: robes, bras, rompers, various other bits of feminine attire that Ardwin was less familiar with. That wasn’t surprising. His experience with seeing the fairer sex in anything less than streetwear was fairly limited. Most of what was at the top of the page was fairly bland and quite concealing. It figured that such a big site wouldn’t come out of the gates with the racy stuff. It also figured that the lucario wasn’t looking for anything so Victorian. He gestured with a paw for Ardwin to keep scrolling, and so he did, flicking past dozens of ever-so-pedestrian clothes until their laciness started to increase in inverse proportion to their amount of skin coverage. Ardwin hoped more and more as time dragged on that the lucario would tell him to stop scrolling. He did not. The trend continued, such that Ardwin had to wonder if the site shouldn’t rename the default sort from “best match” to... bawdy... match. No, that was nothing. Ardwin washed his hands of that stillborn joke and kept scrolling. Things continued along their course, getting steadily worse as they approached the bottom of the page, until the lucario finally called out for him to stop. He mashed his paw up against the screen, pointing out one of the items and leaving a terrible smudge on Ardwin’s laptop. “That one.” Ardwin looked. A quarter inch above the lucario’s finger—digit, phalange, Ardwin wasn’t sure what it was they were called when you were talking about paws and not hands—was a pair of hot pink and offensively frilly panties. He didn’t even move his cursor, just stared at it. Of course. Of [i]course[/i] that was what the lucario wanted him to get. Why wouldn’t it be? Obviously if the lucario was being so blatant as to get him women’s underwear, he wasn’t going to go for anything less than the most garishly feminine thing on offer. “Buy them. Actually, buy five pairs. I want you to have a supply.” Ardwin didn’t reply. What could he say, really? Voicing anything but acceptance would just put the lucario up to getting him back ten times worse come bedtime. It wouldn’t be worth the minor satisfaction Ardwin would get from snubbing him, particularly considering he’d end up just forcing Ardwin to buy them anyway. So Ardwin clicked the image, punched a five into the box asking for quantity, and hit the button to add it to his cart. “Good, now go back and—” the lucario cut himself off, telepathic speech cutting short for an audible hum. “Actually, do a search for ‘lucario silicone’. I want to see if they have something.” Turns out, they did. Where the lucario had learned the word ‘silicone’ was a mystery that Ardwin would never solve. --- Ardwin was dreaming again. It wasn’t something he particularly liked to do anymore, considering the paths his dreams tended to take as of late, but it wasn’t something he had any control over. It turned out that for as many supplements as there were that promised to induce dreams, there were very few that tried to suppress them. The only advice he’d found in that regard was to exercise right before going to bed. He always went to bed winded. He got the breath pounded right out of him. It didn’t help. So he dreamt. If there was a single possible benefit to his dreaming, it was that Ardwin’s dreams were far less confusing than his waking life was. Perhaps not any more pleasant or even different in terms of content, but certainly more straightforward. They mostly consisted of doing what he was told. That night, what he was being told to do was lick, suck, slurp, and generally orally service an utterly obscene amount of cock. Or rather, the amount of blowjobs he was giving was obscene. He was pretty sure it was the same cock every time. But that was besides the point, which was that through the power of dreams, his mouth was being worked over more than it’d ever been while he was awake. Seemed that night’s theme was mouth. Ardwin wasn’t sure whether he preferred it to the other night’s theme of paws. If he were awake, his reason for that would be that he disliked both equally. In the dream, his logic changed to him being far too enamoured with both to possibly choose, and that it was far easier to simply surrender the choice of which got his attention to the one those parts were attached to. And given that the paws from the last dream had been—well, paws, and that the cock that he was servicing in his present dream was quite familiarly sized and had a great fat knot on the base of it, it wasn’t very hard to guess who the owner of those parts was. So that was where Ardwin was for a good eight and a half hours, though trying to measure it like that was utterly pointless, given the way his dreams tended to dilate time. It was however long it wanted to be, with Ardwin’s face buried between the lucario’s legs from start to finish, lips pressed against his knot as he milked out load after load until his stomach was sloshing with pokémon cum. Interspersed with that were occasional instances of him polishing paws to a mirror shine using his tongue, or doing the same to the particular spot just under the lucario’s tail. The dream seemed inclined to touch upon all things mouth—but the focus was heavily slanted towards blowjobs. It dragged on for ages, but not unpleasantly so. The mindset the dream had put him in meant Ardwin couldn’t be anything but pleased with his position. And why wouldn’t he be? It was simple, satisfying, and free of any sort of conflicting feelings—up until he woke up with a drool soaked pillow and sheets wet and sticky with an entirely different sort of fluid. A month ago, Ardwin had never had a wet dream. Now, they came on such a regular basis that the only reason he didn’t try to do anything about them was because the lucario made sure that they’d be forking out for extra cleaning fees by the time they had to check out, anyway, so there was no point in Ardwin trying to keep himself from soiling the sheets. Putting forth any effort towards that end would just be reason for him to dwell on it further, anyway. So he just left things as they were and hoped that the lucario wouldn’t be able to pick out the fresh stains Ardwin had left from whatever they’d made before going to sleep. Besides, at least Ardwin hadn’t woken up to the subject of his dreams staring him in the face this time, even if the recurring themes of his dreams becoming... troubling. But they were just dreams. Ardwin didn’t put any stock in dreams. If he had to deal with something day in and day out, obviously it would make an appearance when he slept, regardless of what his conscious thoughts on it were. So it was that, peeling the sheets away where they’d dried to his body, Ardwin successfully negotiated a ceasefire in the conflict of interest between his conscious and subconscious mind. With any luck, it would hold firm until the next time he went to sleep. In the meantime, there was breakfast to deal with. --- As much as he tried to be optimistic about things, Ardwin no longer liked to describe days as going ‘well’ or ‘smoothly’. Certainly, there’d been nothing terrible that he could complain about just yet. Breakfast had been far less eventful than the day before, consisting of room service instead of any public outing that would undoubtedly lead to more of the lucario’s mischief. That led smoothly into another morning of training, again without note, devoid of any sudden detours into alleys or behind convenient clusters of bushes for some impromptu service. No, it was legitimately just training. It was shocking in its mundanity. Lunch came. Burgers, fries, a trip to the post office, and then back out for yet more training. Up to that point, things would’ve seemed to be going well. Which stood as a fresh example as to why Ardwin didn’t like using that word. He supposed it still [i]seemed[/i] like things were going well even after that point, throughout the afternoon spent on the routes. To all outward appearances, it probably looked just fine. Right then, they were headed back towards town, as they typically did when the sun started getting low. The buzz of cicadas filled the air. The lucario led the way, followed closely behind by Sonar, with Ardwin heading up the rear and dragging his feet as he walked. Ardwin had attracted a lot of questions over the course of the day, even more so than usual. Why was he walking funny? Oh, he was just tired. Long day, lots of battles. Typical trainer stuff. Sweaty? Yeah, it was a hot one, sun and all. Humid, too. Not used to that sort of wet heat, haha. Buzzing? Must be the cicadas, real loud today. Wonder why that is? Ardwin heard a curious trill from ahead, and when he pulled his eyes up from the ground, he saw that Sonar had fallen back and was now keeping pace with him. The noivern looked at him with a concerned expression on his face. It was harder to detect subtle emotions like that by look alone when you were dealing with a pokémon and not a human, but Ardwin and Sonar were close. He long since learned that a snout could be just as expressive as a mouth. Which was why Ardwin could tell that veneer of concern, thin as it was, wasn’t the only thing Sonar was feeling. Ardwin gave a tight-lipped grin, forced, but hopefully sufficient enough to convey to Sonar that he was fine. Sonar responded by hooking a winged arm around him and squeezing his shoulder, ostensibly a supportive gesture. It maintained that appearance when Sonar’s hand went lower and the shoulder grab became a back rub. It became more and more clear that it was something else as he went lower, until it was quite evident what his intentions were when his hand finally settled into place over Ardwin’s ass. Sonar could feel vibration through the seat of Ardwin’s shorts. Neither of them were surprised. The noivern kept his hand there and grabbed as great a handful of Ardwin’s ass as he could, squeezing it as the two of them walked. Overnight shipping. Ardwin had never before thought that he’d detest something so convenient. The tireless efforts of the postal system meant that Ardwin could start experiencing the lucario’s purchases immediately after lunch. Most of it was clothes, which wasn’t the worst thing. Not that it was at all desirable, but it was all underwear, meaning even given its... particularities, it wasn’t as if anyone could see him wearing it. The bad part was the other thing that the lucario had made him buy. Something which, along with one of the pairs of panties, he was currently being made to wear. At that moment, shuffling down the route with Sonar’s hand squeezing his rear, Ardwin had just a few inches shy of a foot of silicone jammed up his ass. Carefully molded into the shape of a canine cock, complete with knot and vibrational capability. Remotely controlled vibrational capability, linked to a remote that the lucario was now in charge of. Ardwin hadn’t even known that the site he’d been on sold stuff like that, but apparently they did. That was the primary component of the lucario’s newest mischievous plan. It was also the reason why they hadn’t really fucked at all, something that would be a relief to Ardwin were it not for circumstances that had replaced it. The day seemed wholly dedicated to the lucario getting a chance to play with his new toy. Which led into the second, most insidious part of the lucario’s scheme, something that Ardwin figured had to be intentional despite having no real evidence to prove as such. He just knew. A whole day of the lucario taking a break didn’t just mean no action for him or Ardwin; it also meant Sonar didn’t get roped into any of his schemes. A whole day of no release for a noivern that had become accustomed to a very regular schedule. Sonar couldn’t initiate anything himself without the lucario’s say-so, but he could certainly be as handsy as he pleased, and he was making full use of that freedom. Insistently so, though that insistence wasn’t directed towards Ardwin. The groping had gone on for about a minute before Ardwin realised that it wasn’t just some idle thing. Sonar wasn’t even looking at him as he did it, but straight ahead, staring intently at the back of the lucario’s head. That was who it was for. It was a request to go further, directed at the lucario and as silent as anything Sonar ever did. In spite of having made that realisation, there wasn’t anything Ardwin could really do about it but keep moving forward while hoping that the lucario would keep his eyes to the front and not look back and see what was going on. Given Ardwin’s particular breed of luck, it didn’t come as any great surprise when the lucario did precisely that, at almost the precise moment he’d hoped it wouldn’t happen. The lucario glanced down at the placement of Sonar’s hand, smirked, and then gestured with a roll of his head towards the treeline before breaking off the path and heading in the same direction. Sonar followed, and with the noivern’s hand still gripped around his ass, Ardwin was left with no choice but to follow or be dragged along. He chose the former option, even if it was with a huff. It didn’t take long for the lucario to find a spot he felt was sufficiently hidden from the path, which was half due to the trees blocking the view and half to do with the fact that the lucario had a very loose view of what counted as effective cover. If it meant no passersby could see them, it was good. It didn’t matter if they were only a few feet away from the path and sound would definitely be able to travel; it was good enough. Ardwin couldn’t complain, so he just had to hope that no other trainers would be passing by this late in the evening. As always, once they were in place, the lucario wasted no time in springing into action. He grabbed Ardwin by the hips and practically wrenched him out of Sonar’s grip, and Ardwin barely had time to let out a gasp before the lucario hooked his paws into the waist of his shorts and tugged them down to his knees. The panties—the lucario had made him put on a pair as soon as they’d left the post office—remained on. They might not have been made to hold Ardwin’s particular anatomy, but once he’d gotten it in there, damn if they didn’t cling to it with a vengeance. But the lucario resolved that issue with a sharp tug, peeling them away from Ardwin’s crotch with a wet noise. As embarrassing as it was to be in such a state, Ardwin could at least console himself with the fact that it didn’t mean he had any enthusiasm for what was happening to him. It didn’t matter what his feelings on it were, having something so big shoved up his backside and buzzing away right against his prostate meant that he was going to be drippy down there. There was no helping it; it was forced right out of him. It was still going, in fact. The lucario had set it for a low but steady speed, though he had developed a habit of hiking it up whenever they walked by another trainer. Or just whenever the mood to do so struck him. He wasn’t terribly judicious in his use of the remote; it controlled a toy, and as such, he played around with it. But it seemed that the time for playing with it was over. The lucario dropped down to one knee and then spun Ardwin around, grabbing the base of the dildo tucked away between his cheeks. Then, he started to pull. Not yank, thank Arceus, but he certainly tugged on it with a bit more force than Ardwin would’ve liked. His knees wobbled and he let out a high whine as he felt the knot at the base of it tugging against his ass, muscles stretching around it as it made its exit. The knot was the hardest part, but only in relative terms. He’d dealt with having a real and fully swollen lucario knot being pulled out of him; the silicone version didn’t come close to that sort of sensation. Once he’d gotten over that hump, the rest of it was no challenge whatsoever. The whole nine inches of it slid free from Ardwin’s ass with a wet sucking noise, given a strange vibrato quality from the continued buzzing of the dildo. A few strands of lube connected the tip of it to his hole before they were shaken free, and they snapped back to drool down Ardwin’s taint. The lucario glanced at the thing, buzzing away while drops of lube rolled down its sides and worked their way towards his paw, but quickly turned his eyes back to Ardwin’s ass. At the same time, he straightened his arm and held the dildo out towards Sonar. “Here, take this.” It took Sonar a second to realise he was being addressed, given the lucario wasn’t even looking at him as he spoke, but he wasted no time on hesitation once he did. He reached out and took the thing from the lucario’s paw, holding it by the shaft with both hands, apparently uncaring of just where it’d been. Perhaps even enjoying the knowledge. “Probably hungry for the real thing, eh?” the lucario said, grabbing one of Ardwin’s asscheeks in either paw and spreading them wide, observing the way his hole stretched taut in response. Perhaps not quite as taut as usual—spending all day carting around an assful of silicone did have something of an effect, after all. Ardwin tried to cling to whatever shred of dignity he had left by not offering a response, and the lucario quickly stripped him of it by standing up and pressing himself up against Ardwin’s back. He could feel the lucario’s sheath grinding between his asscheeks, thick with arousal, the tip of his cock poking free and already starting to drool pre. It mixed with the lube already smeared against his hole, leaving everything even more slippery than it’d already been. Seemed that the lucario was just as eager as he was accusing Ardwin of being. He’d just been exercising patience to see how long it would take until he had Sonar frothing at the mouth. Ardwin glanced over at the noivern. He was practically standing at attention, hands gripped tight around the now still vibrator—the lucario must’ve clicked it off at some point after he’d gotten behind Ardwin—and his cock poking out in front of him, halfway free from his slit. The lucario followed the direction of Ardwin’s gaze, and upon catching sight of Sonar’s unabashed staring, his muzzle twisted into a frown. Not on account of the staring, which he all but encouraged from Sonar, but due to something else. “Hey,” the lucario said, snapping his fingers to get Sonar’s attention. “I said take it, not hold it.” Sonar jumped slightly as he was jerked out of his reverie. It took a moment for him to parse the lucario’s words, then another to figure out exactly what they meant. He glanced down at the dildo in his hands, up at the lucario, then down again before it finally clicked. To his credit, there was still no hesitation once he realised what it was the lucario wanted; he dropped down to a squat, then lined the head of the dildo up under the base of his tail. Pleased with that, the lucario turned his eyes away from Sonar, and Ardwin found himself unable to keep his attention focused on the noivern for much longer either. The lucario had been slipping steadily free from his sheath since he’d started grinding against Ardwin, from the thrill of flexing his power as much as the physical stimulation, and the whole of his cock was now squished between Ardwin’s asscheeks. And having reached that state, he didn’t seem interested in spending a single additional second on anything short of penetration—real, proper, raw [i]fucking.[/i] The lucario pulled his hips back and aligned the head of his cock with Ardwin’s hole, a spurt of pre gushing out of him to mix with the slippery mess already coating it, the ratio of lube to sexual fluids shifting that much more towards the latter. Then, the lucario started pushing in, and the experience could be summed up in a single word that Ardwin would’ve found utterly unthinkable to apply to his situation even a few weeks prior: easy. He was so loose from the dildo and everything was so overwhelmingly slick that the lucario just slid right in, facing almost no resistance until he was already sunk halfway into Ardwin’s ass, where his muscles suddenly remembered their function and clamped down tight around the lucario’s cock. The lucario let out a rumbling growl at that, a sound of pleasure. Ardwin felt paws reach up and grip around his shoulders. No words were exchanged; Ardwin didn’t know whether the absence of any of the lucario’s typical remarks made him feel better or worse. It almost made it seem like he was no longer worth the effort of making cracking those sorts of pithy comments, that Ardwin had fallen solely into the category of ‘hole to fuck.’ Though maybe that was just Ardwin’s perception of things, totally ungrounded from any sense of reality. It was hard to tell anything about how the lucario felt about him. All he knew was what the lucario let on, what he said and did—and at the moment, with no words to go on, all he could draw conclusions from was the dick that was driving its way steadily deeper into his guts. Ardwin let out a moan and squirmed as it slid inside him, feeling himself twitch and throb in much the same way as he’d been doing in the grip of his panties ever since their trip to the post office. The difference being that now he wasn’t contained by any layer of fabric, however thin; his cock bounced and dripped in the air, free to jump up and slap against his stomach as it pleased. The lucario shifted a paw from Ardwin’s shoulder and snaked it down his body, eventually coming to plant it right between his thighs. He groped Ardwin’s cock briefly, smearing his paw with the pre that had come to soak every bit of its surface, a digit running up Ardwin’s frenulum and pressing down with just the slightest bit of force on his urethra. The lucario let out an amused chuff at the shudder it drew out of Ardwin. Then, the hand was gone, returned back up to his shoulder. Maybe that lack of words from the lucario wasn’t so much an indicator of a lack of care as it was the fact that they seemed to have shifted into an altogether more physical form of communication. Perhaps there was a point at which words just became too much effort for too little gain—and perhaps that point was located about seven inches deep. If it was, then the lucario had certainly hit it, because Ardwin could tell from the feel of the knot bumping up against his ring that he’d buried no less than eight inches of himself inside Ardwin’s ass. The fact that he knew the size of the lucario’s cock so precisely that he could identify it by feel alone went a ways towards proving his point about communication. They’d reached a level of familiarity such that they could operate with perfect smoothness even in utter silence, both verbal and telepathic. And that really stuck in Ardwin’s craw, because that wasn’t a point that he wanted to be proved. He’d preferred his earlier hypothesis that he was being treated poorly, because at least that was something that he could get indignant about. If the fact of the matter was that they’d just gotten good at fucking—well, that was just [i]frustrating,[/i] which was different from and wholly less enjoyable than being indignant. But frustrated it’d have to be, because as the lucario pulled back and Ardwin felt his shaft drag against his prostate, the trainer’s own cock throbbed and dribbled pre in sympathetic response. It was definitely that they were good at fucking, and that meant it was going to be hard to continue being indignant. The fact that he couldn’t keep being indignant made him frustrated, so that Ardwin was pissed at the fact that he wasn’t angry in the way he would’ve liked. It was an abstract and confusing sort of emotion. Appropriate, considering the confusing nature that his daily existence had taken since the lucario had entered it. ...Well, perhaps his daily life wasn't that confusing. They fucked, whenever he wanted them to. Rather simple. Perhaps not as frustrating as he’d depicted it, either, however much he wanted it to be. Whatever their state, emotions were twisting, confusing, and ultimately immaterial. The physical act of it was far easier to grasp. They were fucking; every time the lucario thrust forward, his thighs collided against the back of Ardwin’s with a slap, an endless chain of fleshy impacts ringing out in time with the pace of the lucario’s hips. There was intensity—there was no way it could be anything but, with the lucario’s cock plunging in and out of his guts with such utter abandon—but there was very little resistance or struggle to speak of. The sex seemed to come as smooth and easy as anything else, almost natural, in spite of how unnatural the situation Ardwin lived in was. That ease lent itself to a surplus of mental energy, something that would’ve been burnt up from the sheer effort of enduring such a rutting had it been a few weeks prior. Now, Ardwin had to find other means of using it, or else he’d find his mind using it up in the traditional manner: contemplating and picking apart things that he had absolutely no desire to dwell on. Which was probably why Ardwin so readily picked up on the small, formless noise coming from below. It was something for him to focus his attention on. He glanced down at it, and sure enough, it was Sonar, in the same place that he’d been standing before. Though now he was on the ground, sprawled out in a position in the unclear middle ground between squatting and sitting. Ardwin supposed that was just the position one gravitated towards after they’d finished sinking down onto however many inches of molded silicone. The lucario noticed, too, looking down at Sonar over Ardwin’s shoulder. The noivern had his knees splayed wide, allowing clear sight of his cock, slipped completely free from his slit with drops of pre starting to roll from its tip and drip down onto the grass below. He’d caught both Ardwin and the lucario’s attention just in time for them to see him drop the whole of his weight down to the ground, forcing the knot of the dildo into his ass with a quiet squelch and an equally silent whine. “Finally finished over there?” the lucario said, not pausing in his thrusting for a moment as he spoke. “Good. Why don’t you come on over this way?” Quick to obey, Sonar started pushing himself up to his feet, that quickness somewhat reduced by the dildo shifting around inside him. All for the best, because the lucario stopped him before he could even get his legs under him. “No, don’t bother getting off your knees. You won’t need to be standing for this.” With that line, the lucario spread his feet apart, widened his stance, and reached behind himself with a paw—and grabbed a hold of one of his asscheeks, pulling it aside to expose the puckered hole that lay between, just under the base of his tail. Even if the position he was in didn’t offer the best sight of what the lucario was doing, it didn’t take long for Sonar to pick up on the implication. Dropping down onto his hands and knees, Sonar crawled across the ground and around his two teammates, coming to a stop on his knees behind the lucario. The lucario’s paw removed itself from his ass, reaching back up and resuming its grip on Ardwin’s shoulder, while Sonar’s own hands reached up and filled the vacancy. He spread apart the lucario’s cheeks, stretching taut the hole that laid between them. There wasn’t much point in just kneeling there staring at it. For as much as he lacked in terms of words, Sonar had made up for his silence by becoming something of a ‘mon of action. He pushed his face forward and buried his muzzle between those cheeks, keeping them spread while his tongue flicked out and dragged itself up along the lucario’s exposed tailhole. Ardwin heard the lucario let out a growl of pleasure, followed by a click somewhere near his left shoulder. Glancing over, he could see the remote held in the lucario’s paw nearest to it. No speculation as to what he’d done there—and considering the uncharacteristically loud moan that Sonar proceeded to let out into the lucario’s ass, it wasn’t hard to guess to what extent. The lucario had turned on the vibrator, and he’d turned it all the way up to eleven. Only for a few seconds, though, then it was back down to a more reasonable speed. After all, it wasn’t as if the lucario wanted to push Sonar over the edge right away. If he did that, how would he get his own satisfaction out of the noivern? No, the vibrator would stay on low and go up if, and only if, Sonar was doing a good job. Sonar certainly didn’t hold back in his attempt to do just that. Ardwin could hear him slurping away at the lucario’s hole, making such a racket that Ardwin was certain that any element of stealth their environment might’ve granted was well and lost—anyone on the road would be able to hear what they were doing clear as day. Though Ardwin couldn’t really say that irritated him too much. It was hardly ideal, but it wasn’t as if their hiding in the bushes had ever been anything more than a formality, anyway. If someone was coming up the road, they were gonna know what was happening. Ardwin was just riding on the hope that nobody would. And the lucario was there to distract him and keep him from worrying about it. A paw shifted from his shoulder and wrapped around the side of his head, a digit forcing its way into his mouth for him to suck on. A gesture that would’ve made more sense if Ardwin was making even half the noise that their roadside threeway was spewing out, but it wasn’t really to shut him up as much as it was because the lucario liked stuffing his fingers in his mouth. A dominance thing, just like everything else was. Ardwin didn’t bother trying to spit them out, just started sucking on them idly while the lucario continued to pound away at his ass, pace not hindered in the slightest by Sonar’s face being buried under his tail. That was something Ardwin found mildly impressive, but not at all surprising. The two pokémon worked so well together, it figured that they’d find a way to make things work. The three of them fucked like a well oiled machine, pistoning at a steady rhythm, each thrust marked by the sound of Ardwin’s cock swinging up and slapping against his belly. But the thing about effective fucking, much to Ardwin’s relief, was that it tended to be fast. The lucario was being sped along to a release by the slick walls of Ardwin’s ass, lube and pre splattering to the ground in fat drops with every thrust. Sonar was being pushed towards his own release, too, by dint of the vibrator buzzing away happily under his tail, but that was of little concern to Ardwin—as was his own release, coiling up inside him, building up steadily every time the lucario’s dick slammed inside him. The fact that Ardwin’s own orgasm mattered less to him than the lucario’s did might’ve seemed like yet another facet of submission, but really, it was just practical. If the lucario came, that meant the whole scene he’d set up could end that much faster and they could all get back to the hotel. If Ardwin came, they’d just keep going anyway. Priorities were assigned naturally. Though that wasn’t to say that he didn’t want to cum himself; he still remembered one night when he’d disobeyed the lucario in some manner or other, a punishment involving a night heavy and varied in terms of stimulation, devoid of any release... Ardwin grit his teeth together and let out a hiss through his teeth, a reaction that coincided with but was utterly detached from the lucario’s knot slamming against his asshole. That was a tangent that led only down into bad memories. Best to avoid it entirely. The lucario had no way of telling where his mind had gone, though, and let out a bark of laughter into his ear. “Don’t be making faces like that, I know you can take it. You’ve had worse.” Ardwin saw no need to reply to that. The lucario took his silence as license to continue on. “Getting all huffy again? I don’t see why you have to be like that all the time. Look at Sonar, why can’t you be more like him?” If his mother had been a noctowl then perhaps Ardwin would be able to get a look at Sonar, but as he was, the particularities of his spine made that impossible. He didn’t need to actually see Sonar to know what the lucario was getting at, though. Just hearing it was enough: the noivern hadn’t stopped licking for a moment, the sounds of his tonguework interrupted only by brief breaks for air and slight vocalizations that were impossible to detect if Ardwin didn’t strain to hear them. And, of course, the low buzz that underlaid everything. The lucario gave him a few seconds to listen to it—perhaps unnecessarily, since it wasn’t as if his voice could overpower any of those noises, being that it was telepathic. But the time was given regardless, then he continued. “Give it another month, maybe you’ll start acting like that instead of being so petulant all the time. Or not. Doesn’t matter to me, s’not like you’re going anywhere either way.” Ardwin was again saved the bother of having to think of a reply, because the lucario finished his thought by swinging his hips forward, bringing his knot down against Ardwin’s ass with enough force to draw a gasp and leave his hole stinging where they’d collided. When the lucario drew back for another thrust, it wasn’t one of the long strokes that he’d been using up to that point, but only an inch or two before he brought himself slamming right back into place. Seemed that the lucario was finally drawing things to a close, and as per usual, Ardwin found himself not far behind. Nor did his body seem particularly resistant towards accepting the knot that the lucario was so urgently trying to force into him with every short, bludgeoning thrust. It couldn’t be said that it was [i]easy[/i]—a knot was a knot was a knot, and Ardwin found there was always a bit of force needed to take a knot in even in the most ideal circumstances—but Ardwin’s body had gotten easier and easier for the lucario to cram himself into over the weeks. A sign of successful training, Ardwin thought, milliseconds before hating himself for thinking such a thing. But there was no time to chastise himself, because the lucario was quickly starting to gain ground. Ardwin could feel himself being spread a bit wider with every one of the lucario’s thrusts, his asshole being gradually levered open—well, perhaps not quite gradually. More at-a-frightening-rate. It only took a few more swings of the lucario’s hips before Ardwin could feel himself split wide enough that the knot knocking at his gate finally gained a foothold, at which point the lucario changed tactics from thrusting to just pressing in with the full weight of his body, trying to force his way inside. Ardwin never knew whether to consider that more or less tolerable than what had come before it. Now, the constant swinging motion of the lucario’s body against his and the impacts that accompanied it were replaced by a constant, steady pressure, one that translated into a far more constant stretch in his ass as that knot pushed its way inside him, growing ever wider as it went. There wasn’t much Ardwin could do but stand there and squirm against the press of the lucario’s body, trying to stifle his whimpers and ignore the twitching of his own cock beneath him. Not that either effort was particularly successful, as per usual. The lucario sunk his knot in until he reached its midpoint, the widest it got, then hammered it home with a buck of his hips. The rest of it sunk into Ardwin’s ass with startling speed, as if his body were eager to swallow it up, and he couldn’t keep himself from letting out a moan as the lucario’s sheath came to rest against his asshole and that bulbous knot of his came to rest against his Ardwin’s prostate. The sound of his vocalization was well and muffled by the fingers still crammed into his mouth. Then, secured in the firm grip of Ardwin’s ass, that knot began to swell. Growing out and out in flagrant disregard of the way Ardwin’s insides squeezed down in opposition, going on until his knot had grown to double its original size, with Ardwin able to feel every bit of that growth in sharp relief as it pressed out against that sensitive spot inside of him. It was enough to bring him dangerously close to the edge, but not quite over it. That final push would only come when the lucario started rolling his hips in minuscule little thrusts, making the most of the limited range of motion possible while the two of them were tied. But even those small motions were enough to have the lucario’s knot grinding against Ardwin’s prostate, and that was more than enough stimulation to get him where he needed to go. Ardwin let out a loud moan that even the lucario’s fingers couldn’t do much to quiet as the tension that had been building up in him from the moment that damn dildo had been crammed inside him was finally released. His cock throbbed once, as if building up anticipation—and come the second time, no expectations failed to be met. The first rope of cum shot out of him, arcing up with enough force to reach his chest. A notable amount of distance, even for a regular orgasm. For a prostate orgasm, it was downright impressive. The spurts to follow were less so, the force of them quickly dying down to something more in line with a typical prostate orgasm, though it certainly dragged on and there was something to be said about the sheer amount that Ardwin had produced. It figured as much; he’d had all afternoon to build up, there was no chance that his output would be anything less than spectacular. The lucario wasn’t too interested in Ardwin’s orgasm, though, aside from one particular effect it had. He could feel Ardwin’s ass tightening around his cock, muscles wringing his shaft with rhythmic contractions in sync with the pulsing of the trainer’s cock. It was as if Ardwin’s body was trying to squeeze the cum out of the lucario just as much as it was trying to shoot out its own payload. The lucario liked that. He enjoyed when pushing the one he was fucking to their limit meant he could sit back and enjoy as their body clamped down on itself in pleasure, inadvertently bringing him to a finish as well. Which was just what happened then. It only took a few seconds of that tight squeeze around his knot before, with a pulse and a throb, he erupted. The lucario’s cock seemed to thicken up the slightest bit more inside Ardwin a moment before he felt a jet of liquid heat shooting into his guts, the force of it seeming to drag out his own orgasm. Another followed right on its heels, then another, each one of them pooling inside him and collecting into a warm weight. It went on for a while. Both of them were too preoccupied to keep track of the exact time. Ardwin knew that he came down first, and that the lucario’s cock stopped throbbing a few seconds after. Somewhere in the range of ten to twenty seconds passed, as Ardwin swam in the sensations of what he was loath to call afterglow, because that felt like far too positive a term for it, but there really wasn’t any other word that conveyed the same meaning. After that time elapsed, the lucario wasted no time in extricating himself from Ardwin’s ass as gently as he pleased—meaning he slipped his fingers free from Ardwin’s mouth so that he could grip the trainer’s hips with both paws and forcibly yank his knot out. It was effective; it only took about two good pulls, each with an accompanying squeal from Ardwin, before the lucario pried himself free of Ardwin’s ass. A drool of cum immediately made itself known in his wake, rolling down Ardwin’s taint to drip down off his balls. After that, the lucario released his hold on Ardwin’s hips, whereupon the trainer immediately dropped to his hands, knees, and very nearly his face. It wasn’t a position that lent itself very well to seeing what the lucario was doing next, but Ardwin could tell well enough by ear. The first thing he picked up on wasn’t the presence of a sound, but the absence of one: the sounds of Sonar’s licking, having long since become so much white noise, became most noticeable when they came to a sudden halt. That was followed by the thought-sound of the lucario’s voice. “Alright, that’s enough. Why don’t you—” The lucario cut himself off. If Ardwin had the energy to do so after being so thoroughly pounded, he would’ve turned around to see why, but it was only a second before the lucario started speaking again. “Oh, I see. Half power wasn’t enough, eh? Why don’t you clean out this slut,” the lucario punctuated his words with an unexpected slap on Ardwin’s ass, earning a loud yelp, “and I crank it all the way up?” The lucario had barely even finished speaking before Ardwin could hear scrabbling across the grass in his direction, followed by a pair of hands grabbing a hold of both his asscheeks. He sucked in a breath through his teeth as freshly slapped skin was suddenly being groped and squeezed—then found it just as quickly forced back out as the familiar snout of a noivern pressed itself flush against his hole. His tongue was quick to follow. Sonar launched into a full-on assault on Ardwin’s ass, spending only a few seconds licking the cum clean from the outside of his hole before delving yet deeper and actually pushing his way inside. Ardwin gasped and gripped at fistfuls of grass and sod, the sensitivity that came post-orgasm stacking on top of the rawness of having been fucked less than a minute prior, all of that exacerbated yet further by Sonar handling his ass with a ferocity the noivern had never previously displayed. The lucario seemed to find that eagerness amusing; Ardwin could hear him let out a barking laugh, followed by an increase in the speed of that buzzing sound. Evidently, the lucario had made good on his promise and turned up the setting on the vibrator. Ardwin could feel Sonar’s tongue stiffen inside him for a moment before returning to its task with gusto, licking at his insides and scooping out as much of the lucario’s cum as he could reach. “Once you’ve got him clean,” the lucario said, “the both of you can get to work on my paws. And you keep that thing knotted, Sonar, you’re saying plugged up ‘til we’re back in the hotel room. I’ve got big plans for you and your boyfriend.” That gave Ardwin a sinking feeling of dread in his gut, but Sonar seemed unfazed by the news. Less than unfazed, more excited at the prospect—Ardwin couldn’t see his face to make that sort of judgment, but it was incredible how much of someone’s emotional state you could determine when their tongue was buried up to the root in your asshole. That only intensified Ardwin’s dread yet further. It was galling to him just how ready Sonar was to obey any order that came out of the lucario’s mouth—or out of his mind, as it were. Not that Ardwin was any different in that regard, but Ardwin only did it out of necessity, whereas Sonar seemed happy to do as he was asked. He had motivation; Ardwin didn’t. Ardwin’s line of thought was interrupted by movement in front of him, which, with his eyes pointed to the ground as they were, came on the edge of his vision. When he looked up, he was met by the sight of two thick yellow thighs stretching up to either side of his face, the lucario kneeling in front of him. More eye-catching than his thighs was his dick, wet and dripping, pointed towards Ardwin’s face by a paw gripped just behind its knot. “Here, make yourself useful and clean me up,” the lucario said, reaching down to grab Ardwin by the hair before jerking his head up, moving it to a level plane with his cock. At least, Ardwin thought as the lucario’s dick was pressed up against his lips and he could feel a twitch roll through his own cock in response, he [i]hoped[/i] he didn’t have any motivation. --- Ardwin preferred not to think about what happened between getting back to the hotel and actually going to sleep. It was quite similar to what happened most any night the lucario decided to get creative: Ardwin and Sonar were subject to whatever manner of sexual innovation the lucario had come up with that evening, where Sonar would typically enjoy himself, and Ardwin would most definitely not. The particulars always changed, but in the end, it didn't really matter; it had all passed, and now Ardwin was asleep. Unfortunately, his dreams were proving to be as much of a reprieve from the events that came before them as they had been for the past however-long he’d been having his particular string of dreams. He gone from a night of being fucked on both sides to the same thing again, now in the confines of his own mind. It seemed even more disjointed than usual, an odd mix of vivid imagery and vague, unclear transitions. At one moment, Ardwin would be the subject of a spitroast, throat split open around Sonar’s cock while being slammed into by the lucario at the other end. Every detail would be present, as if he were really there, a dream so devoid of dreamlike qualities that it felt more like reliving a memory—then, the two of them would cum inside him, and detail would degrade into fuzziness. Up until it resolved itself once more into some entirely different scenario, with Sonar lapping at Ardwin’s ass with feverish desperation while he busied himself licking at the lucario’s paws. If Ardwin were the type that could lucid dream, he might’ve tried to trigger such a thing, and then maybe he would be able to steer events to more pleasant subject matter. Unfortunately, he had no such talent, and fortunately or unfortunately, Ardwin was finding the content of the dream far more pleasant than he would’ve if he’d been awake. A running theme in his dreams. He was aware of that because his mind felt strangely divided against itself, as if it were split down the middle. The majority of his consciousness—or unconsciousness, as it were—was going along with what was happening, indulging in it with wanton abandon. But some small part of him remained aware of his own opposition to it, but it wasn’t strong enough to sway his emotion, or present enough for him to really register it was there. All he felt was a sort of meta-awareness that he was supposed to not like what was happening, even as he liked it anyway. It served mainly to highlight exactly what parts Ardwin was supposed to find the least appealing. How he was deriving so much satisfaction from the act of submitting, more than any particular physical sensation; he was distinctly aware of that, and how it was likely the worst part of the whole dream, and how much shame he’d undoubtedly feel over it when he woke up. He realised all that, and then continued revelling in the feeling of it regardless. The whole thing felt weirdly spiteful towards... himself, Ardwin supposed. But he also wondered if it could really be considered spiteful if he was just doing what he wanted to be doing. How could he be faulted for acting in his own interests, regardless of if those interests would change later? It felt like he was having a debate with himself, all in the wordless language of thought, all while being pounded in various holes by his two pokémon in various combinations. It was bizarre. Then he woke up. It felt very sudden, but as reality trickled back into his skull and his sense of time began to congeal, Ardwin realised that sunlight was shining through the slits of the window curtains. Morning. That meant he had to have been going through that cycle of fucking and internal debate for the better part of eight hours. His head was throbbing a bit. He wanted a glass of water. Other physical sensations flowed in on the heels of those first two. Two winged arms wrapped loosely around his chest and the press of a warm body against his back: Sonar was spooning him. A distinct stickiness in his crotch, which Ardwin realised was on account of him having sullied the one piece of clothing he was permitted to wear to bed, one of the many pairs of pink panties he was now in possession of. Permitted and mandated. It felt several orders of magnitude more embarrassing to have his release soak into his underwear and dry against his skin instead of just smearing across the sheets, like it had when he’d been forced to sleep naked. Even worse that such a release hadn’t done anything to keep morning wood from rearing its head. Worse still that, judging by the yawn and the tightening of the arms around his chest, Ardwin’s shifting seemed to have woken up Sonar. Judging by the firmness Ardwin could feel pressing against his lower back, Sonar seemed to be in much the same state as he was. With Ardwin already well at hand, Sonar wasted no time in starting off the day right by sating his desires, rolling his hips to grind his erection against Ardwin’s ass while leaning in to nuzzle and kiss at his neck. One of Sonar’s hands snaked its way down Ardwin’s body and made its way between his thighs, grabbing a hold of his bulge and groping at Ardwin through his panties while continuing to hump and grind against his ass. As that went on and Ardwin was forced to kick off his day with a hot dogging and handjob while barely even conscious, Ardwin mused that the only difference between his dreams and his waking life seemed to be a matter of enjoyment. Considering how much his unconscious mind seemed to enjoy the treatment he was given, he wondered what that said about his protests. --- Breakfast came, and they didn’t fuck. Sure, the lucario was still making thorough use of that shiny new vibrator and hiking up the power level at random points while they were trying to eat, but he didn’t push it any further than that. Nor did he leave it at a high enough setting that Ardwin could do anything more than teeter on the edge of release. More of the same as yesterday. The first surprise came about half an hour after breakfast. They’d hardly gotten through their first battle of the day when the lucario pulled them off into the bushes. When it happened, Ardwin had expected a return to form, of a reinstatement of the regular breaks for sexual release that had been so prominently absent yesterday. That wasn’t what happened. It seemed like it was what it was leading up to when the lucario had Ardwin strip and remove the vibrator from himself, but rather than making any move on him, the lucario simply told him to hand the thing off to Sonar. Then, he ordered the noivern to jam the thing inside of himself, up to the knot. Hoping that it was going to lead into something greater, Sonar hastened to comply, working his way down to the base of the toy in somewhere around a minute. Once he’d gotten it inside, he sat there on the ground staring up at the lucario like an eager pet, hopeful for more fun to come. When the lucario instead had Ardwin redress and took them both back out towards the path, Sonar’s disappointment was evident, but he said nothing. Ardwin wasn’t sure whether to feel relief or anxiety. The lucario was up to something once again. That wound up being something that would repeat every hour, on the hour. Off to the side of the path and behind whatever clump of vegetation proved most effective as cover, a quick swap of who was carting around the vibrator, and then back to the trail. When Ardwin wore it, the lucario would spike up the power whenever someone passed them on the path, making it quite difficult for Ardwin to contain his reactions. When Sonar wore it, the problems presented were different, but no less prominent; having something like that buzzing away under his tail made him incredibly handsy towards Ardwin, to the point where it got hard to get the noivern to lay off even when there was a threat of them being seen. The lucario had gotten the process of toying with them down to a refined art, but overall, the intent behind the whole thing seemed quite similar to what he’d pulled yesterday. It was all playing out the exact same, right down to Sonar trying to get the lucario’s attention by openly groping Ardwin. But unlike yesterday, the lucario paid no attention to what Sonar was doing. Their training continued on until the afternoon wore out into the evening, and as they were heading back to the hotel, there were no sudden detours to the bushes for barely-concealed sexual escapades. Earlier in the afternoon, Ardwin had considered that to be a good thing. By the evening, the ache in his balls had gradually increased and Sonar’s attempts at stealth and concealment steadily dissolved until Ardwin started getting concerned as to whether he was going to need to explain to passersby why his noivern was walking around with an erection jutting out proudly in front of him. Thankfully, it didn’t get quite that bad, though it came close. Both of them felt as if they were coming apart at the seams by the time they got back to town and arrived at their hotel. Yet the lucario—the one who had been doing the majority of their battling throughout the day, given Sonar’s indisposition for a good chunk of it—seemed none the worse for wear. Leading them in that state, he looked more the head of the team than he ever had before. The lucario led them up the stairs. There was a perfectly good elevator, one they had used before on previous stays at that particular hotel, but the lucario went out of his way to avoid using it. Ardwin felt certain that was because the lucario wanted to force him to go through the motions of going up the steps—motions which just so happened to strongly exacerbate the feelings of having a silicone lucario cock knotted up his ass. It certainly didn’t seem coincidental that he raised the power up two levels when they were halfway up the first flight. Ardwin suppressed a groan. Sonar used his position at the rear to leer at Ardwin’s rear. Slowly, shufflingly, the three of them made their way up to the third floor. Their door was near the start of the hallway, a fact for which Ardwin praised every manner of god and legendary he could think of. The lucario stepped aside and allowed Ardwin to open the door. It wasn’t a deferential thing—the lucario probably would’ve carried the key himself if he could, but aside from the hotel staff only wanting to deal with humans, Ardwin was also the only one who had both pockets and thumbs. Once Ardwin had the lock unlocked, he pushed open the door with a shoulder, practically staggered in, and slumped against the closest patch of wall available. Sonar shuffled in behind him. Arceus, what a day. The lucario had somehow managed to make it one of the most exhausting ones while simultaneously having the least amount of sex out of any day in the past two months. Ardwin didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to survive if they didn’t get rid of that vibrator. He didn’t know whether he wanted to cum or just collapse unconscious right there on the carpet. He wouldn’t need to choose either option, because that was when the lucario decided to make his presence known. He grabbed Ardwin by the shoulders, pulled him away from the wall, and whirled him around so that he faced towards the lucario. Then, the lucario shoved him back, and Ardwin found the door to the room slammed shut behind him as he was pressed up against it with enough force to lift him off his feet until only his toes remained in contact with the floor. The lucario didn’t stop to offer any words, but instead chose to continue riding the momentum that he’d set in motion. He took yet another step forward, bringing himself close enough to Ardwin for their bodies to touch one another, pushing his hips forward so that his sheath ground against the bulge in the front of Ardwin’s pants. Ardwin felt momentarily grateful that the lucario hadn’t done the same with his chest; he preferred his sternum as it was, without a spike rammed through it. The lucario was good about that sort of thing, though. But momentary was the key word: no more than a moment to feel that gratitude, because the lucario was moving ever onward. After a few seconds of that grinding, long enough for whatever measure of breath Ardwin had caught to be forced out of him in the form of a low moan that was overpowered by the lucario’s growl, things were moving on. Ardwin felt two hands hook themselves into the waistband of his shorts before they jerked down sharply, bringing both them and his underwear down to the middle of his thighs. His cock flopped out into the open before nestling into the furry crook of the lucario’s thigh, a perfect place for it to stay and be ignored while the lucario’s attention focused on other parts of his body. One of the lucario’s hands hooked around Ardwin’s side and worked its way between his back and the door, making its way down towards his ass. No surprise that was the first place he was interested in. Once it reached it, the lucario gave one of Ardwin’s asscheeks a brief squeeze before probing further in search of what he was really after. Fingers grasped around the base of the dildo that was buried in his ass. Then, they began to pull. It came out with all the same smoothness as last time, an easiness that was enough to make Ardwin uneasy. Again, the question of just how much Ardwin had been used that his body was this familiar with not only taking a knot, but having a knot popped right out of him as if it were nothing. Disquieting. If the gasp that Ardwin let out as the shaft of the vibrator dragged its way through his body could be called quiet, anyway—on top of the pop made as the head of the itwas tugged out past the ring of his asshole, smearing his taint with lube as it made its exit. The lucario maneuvered it out from behind Ardwin’s back, held it up to the side, looking at it for a moment as if contemplating something—then tossed it over his shoulder in a movement as casual as anything, letting it bounce and roll along the floor to land where it may. Clearly, he’d had his fun with it. And clearly, he was now intent on having the rest of his fun in a different manner entirely—albeit along similar lines. Odds were that he wouldn’t be satisfied with [i]just[/i] jamming his cock up Ardwin’s ass, invariably pleasurable as such a thing might’ve been. No, it wouldn’t do at all to ignore the third element of their ménage à trois. The lucario spun around, holding Ardwin by the shoulders to ensure that he wasn’t sent flying off into the wall while the trainer wrapped his legs around the pokémon’s waist so that he didn’t slip and fall to the floor. Once they were properly oriented, the lucario used the new positioning to stare at Sonar from over Ardwin’s shoulder. The noivern was standing there, inaction borne as much from obedience as from utter consumption with the display unfolding in front of him, evidenced by how his cock had extended from his slit to jump and throb in front of him. “You,” the lucario said, causing Sonar to perk up at being addressed. “On your back.” Uncertain of what was in store for him but eager to be involved in the proceedings nonetheless, Sonar was almost pathetic in his haste to comply. His legs all but gave out from under him in his haste to lower himself to the ground. On reaching it, he laid himself out flat on his back with his arms and legs at his sides as if he were standing at attention, his tail laid out flat in front of him. “Good,” the lucario said, and nothing else. Not particularly talkative that night, it seemed, but that silence hardly meant he was resting on his laurels. Before even beginning to approach Sonar, now so conveniently laid out for him, the lucario hooked his hands under Ardwin’s armpits. “Unhook your legs.” Initially, Ardwin felt miffed, as he typically felt whenever the lucario started barking orders at him—then he realised that he was getting up in arms at what was essentially an order to touch the lucario less. He didn’t quite know how he felt about that. He did know that there was no real option available to him but to do as the lucario asked, so after a moment’s hesitation, he loosened the grip of his legs from around the lucario’s waist. The lucario didn’t offer so much as a ‘thank you’ before making use of his new grip to flip Ardwin’s body around, pinning the trainer’s back against his front and, more importantly, bringing his ass into the lucario’s lap. For Ardwin, it meant that he could feel the lucario’s sheath wedged between his cheeks, already thick and filling out yet further as their bodies ground together. “You ought to be thankful,” the lucario said. “Now you’ve got the perfect spot to watch what I’m about to do to your boyfriend. All you need is a seat.” A seat? What did the lucario mean by— oh, of course. The wordplay became plainly obvious to Ardwin right about the time the lucario lifted him up so that he could align the tip of his cock with Ardwin’s asshole. Honestly, he ought to have been expecting that one, but he supposed that all the hours spent with a vibrator jammed up his ass had slowed his faculties somewhat. But for as much as it might’ve affected his ability to parse the lucario’s less-than-scintillating wit, spending all that time crammed with silicone had other, more physical and more relevant effects. The same effects as last time; a surplus of lube and a lack of a need to stretch meant that the lucario could slide in fast and deep with absolutely no effort. When the lucario thrust his hips forward, Ardwin was only letting out the appropriate gasps and clenching down by the time half his cock had been buried into Ardwin’s asshole. Ardwin’s toes curled up tight against his feet and his legs locked up against themselves, as if his whole body were trying to compress into itself in some attempt to resist the lucario’s intrusion. The lucario gave such effort the acknowledgement it was rightfully due in the form of a grunt dredged up from the back of his throat, a reaction purely to the increased tightness around his cock. It was good that the slut could still muster up a good grip even after being stretched out the whole day long. But he paid no more attention to it than that. Ardwin’s insides might’ve felt nice wrapped around his dick, but they were no longer top priority. He’d been penetrated, and he wasn’t going anywhere. That meant next up on the agenda was the noivern, looking up at the lucario patiently from his spot on the floor—or perhaps looking more at the one that the lucario currently had his cock buried in. It didn’t matter. The lucario was not concerned with the location of Sonar’s eyes; his interest laid a few inches further south. He walked forward, each step bouncing Ardwin up and down on his shaft, with a net result of him sinking down another inch or so. When he stopped, the lucario was standing over top of Sonar’s face, a hindpaw placed on either side of the noivern’s head. A conveniently placed wall meant that the lucario could brace himself with a shoulder, allowing him to lift up one of his feet without losing balance. It had been far too long since he’d done anything paw-related with Sonar. How long had it been, anyway? It had to be at least a day. Honestly, the lucario didn’t really remember all the details of that sort of thing. If he wanted to keep track of all the times and ways he fucked Ardwin and Sonar, he’d need a file cabinet at minimum, more likely an accountant or two to sort it all. But he was pretty sure it was over a day since he’d stuck his toes in the noivern’s face. The lucario moved one of his hindpaws into position over Sonar’s face, and as he did, he briefly considered ordering the noivern to open his mouth. Instead, he lowered his paw, and felt it touch down onto the warm and wet surface of a waiting tongue. He smiled. It was good to have at least one pet that had a proactive attitude. He pushed his toes down, slipping them one at a time past Sonar’s muzzle. Once all three of them were inside, that tongue wasted no time in making itself known in the cracks between, working their way up and down in a bid to slather every inch on, around, and between the lucario’s toes with saliva. It was gratifying to see Sonar polishing his paw with such eagerness, sure, but the situation felt as if it were missing something. No, it wasn’t quite enough; he wanted to make more use of the noivern than just his mouth. But how to do such a thing? He only had so many hands, so many feet. After a moment’s thought, it occurred to him. If his hands were full, best to make use of someone else’s, and it wasn’t hard to think of someone who wasn’t using theirs. “Touch yourself,” the lucario said. Sonar didn’t need to be told twice. Certainly, he would’ve preferred to be given some more personal attention, would’ve preferred even more to be the one giving [i]Ardwin[/i] some personal attention, but he was more than riled up enough after the events of the day that he’d take any form of release that he was offered. His hands shot down to his crotch, one wrapping around his shaft to jerk it at a rapid pace while the other rubbed up and down his belly in a hedonistic display of self-pleasure. The lucario snorted. Enthusiasm in spades, but it needed to be shaped and directed if he was going to get the most out of it. “Slow your roll. I want you finishing at the same time as me. And you...” Ardwin could feel the lucario’s breath against the side of his head as he leaned in, nibbling on the lobe of Ardwin’s ear in an unusual and unexpected move that nonetheless sent a shiver rolling down his spine. “I hardly have to tell you, do I? You’ll be cumming your brains out the second I stick my knot in you.” Even if Ardwin were capable of conjuring up an appropriate contradiction to that, he wouldn’t have been able to force the words past his lips. The lucario had started to roll his hips in stately but nonetheless forceful thrusts, each one of them stealing the air from Ardwin’s lungs whenever that knotted cock drove itself into his ass. Ardwin liked to think that he’d grown used to all the physical treatment the lucario loved to dole out, that he could control himself in the face of it. Times like this served to remind him that he had formed no such resistance, that whenever the lucario liked, he could take Ardwin’s breath away and leave him a gasping mess just as easily as he had the first night they’d spent together. It was a wonder as to how he did it. With only one foot planted on the ground, the assumption would be that the lucario would be too focused on trying to maintain balance to be able to fuck effectively, even braced against the wall as he was. One would think that having to keep his hindpaw inside Sonar’s mouth would make thrusting practically impossible. But it seemed to present only the slightest inconvenience to the lucario, and his ability to overcome that inconvenience was yet another entry on the list of his many, many talents. Ardwin wasn’t in a position where he could appreciate that talent even at the best of times. At that particular moment, he could hardly string together a coherent thought. The lucario might not have been setting a breakneck pace, but he was making up for what he lacked in speed with power and precision. Every time he thrust in, his knot slammed against the taut-stretched ring of Ardwin’s asshole, and he could feel the lucario’s shaft grind against his prostate with almost crushing force. Every sensitive spot inside him, the lucario sought out with uncanny precision, every sensation driven to new heights after the day-long wind-up he’d had at the hands of that damn vibrator. Yet none of that seemed like an adequate enough explanation as to why it was so intense. Purely because the lucario wanted it to be? That was well enough, but why did he want that night, that particular moment, to reach such heights? It was clear that the effort being spent was far beyond the norm. If only it wasn’t, then Ardwin might’ve had enough clarity of mind to think things through. But maybe he wouldn’t be required to do all of the intellectual heavy lifting on his own. Ardwin felt one of the lucario’s paws touch down onto the side of his face, tracing down along his cheek before grabbing a hold of his chin. It angled his head so that his eyes had no choice but to fall on Sonar. “Look at him,” the lucario said. “Remind you of anything?” With no choice to do anything but look, Ardwin looked. He took in the sight of the noivern there on the floor, tongue lovingly polishing every inch of the lucario’s toes, eyes unfocused as his hands worked busily between his thighs. The utter opposite of how Ardwin felt, completely surrendered to his position and drinking in every moment, every aspect of it. The sight was uncannily familiar, and after a few seconds of looking, Ardwin realised why that was. Memories came rushing unbidden to his mind. His first real interaction with the lucario, after chucking a ball at his head—it had ended up as something like this. Him being fucked in the ass by the lucario, Sonar down on the ground as he was subjected to the stronger pokémon’s paws. A rough similarity in terms of positioning. Everything else was different, though. Ardwin recalled that back then, Sonar had gone along with things only with the most halting reluctance. How he’d changed! But that was no secret. Every day, Ardwin was faced with all the numerous ways Sonar had changed, all coming together in the form of the noivern’s effusive and intrusive affections. Ardwin often wondered just how far the lucario’s mental powers reached. He wasn’t a psychic, sure, but he had telepathy. Who knew if that was the full extent of it? Perhaps that telepathy extended beyond simple speech, all the way up to abstract feelings. That would explain why it was that Ardwin found himself wondering not about the changes Sonar had undergone, but about how if the noivern had changed so drastically, what changes had he undergone himself? Before Ardwin could contemplate that, the lucario’s voice cut into his thoughts once again—though perhaps that wouldn’t mean a complete departure from that topic. “I can do more with aura than just stick my voice in your head, y’know. I can see things. Your dreams, for example.” Ardwin would’ve locked up at that if he still retained any control over his muscles, but instead found himself giving an odd spasm and clenching around the lucario’s cock as it pulled out of him, before it slammed right back up to the knot on the next thrust. He could see his dreams? That meant... “Yes, that’s right, shock and awe—I know about everything you’ve been dreaming about. Tell me, though, have you ever wondered about [i]why[/i] it is you’ve been dreaming about those things?” There was no need for the lucario to specify what kinds of dreams he was talking about. It wasn’t as if Ardwin had dreamt about anything else for the past, what, two weeks? However long it’d been since they started. Why they started, though, now that was a question. Ardwin had been making more of an effort to not think about that question than to find an answer, but now that it was being presented to him by someone outside of his own brain, his immediate answer was... it was probably because the lucario was putting them there! All that aura stuff he’d talked about, it could probably be used for that, too. He would’ve voiced as such, too, but the lucario continued on before that thought in his mind could even begin to form itself into words. “I don’t know what answer you’ve thought up, but I can tell you right off the bat that it’s wrong. Because you’re probably thinking either the dreams mean nothing or I’m the one at fault for them. Stupid. I’m not a psychic, I can’t put dreams in people’s heads—but I don’t need to be a psychic to tell you that dreams have meaning. “So here’s another question: what do you think those dreams mean?” Ardwin shifted around in the lucario’s paws, as if he could escape the question by escaping the grip of the one asking it, but both of those things were equally impossible. The whole situation felt like a dream in and of itself, really, moving along on its own track that Ardwin was helpless to direct or change in any way. And the lucario’s next words came with the same sort of heavy, dreadful inevitability as a nightmare. “Ever consider that it’s because you actually want this?” That was enough to move Ardwin to respond, in spite of his breath being stolen with each smack of the lucario’s hips into his own. Just a single word, almost spat with the suddenness with which it tore its way out of him: “No.” It was a weak and raspy sound, one that made the lucario laugh when it reached his ears. Certainly not the proud stand of opposition that it was intended to be. “‘No’? Dream of fucking me every night, and the only response you’ve got to the idea that you might actually want to fuck me is ‘no’? Oh, bravo, bravo. Why don’t I just pack up and leave right now, when you’ve got such strong arguments on your side?” The lucario didn’t do that. He tightened his grip around Ardwin and started thrusting even harder, while the trainer burned in embarrassment over how handily his protests had been disarmed. Funny how a few harsh words had been able to bring him such shame that the act of being used as a fucktoy could no longer muster. The lucario continued on through Ardwin’s shame. “Haven’t even spared a moment’s thought to any of this. Tsk, tsk. That’s fine. I don’t keep you around to think. So how about you start doing a bit less thinking and a bit more doing what you’re told?” He wasn’t saying anything that Ardwin hadn’t thought of already, but when Ardwin thought such sentiments, it was a simple matter to dismiss such ideas as ridiculous and push them down and out of his mind. With the lucario saying it, it became external, impossible to ignore. It became an accusation that Ardwin had to think of a response to. And he found himself struggling to do so. Dreams were dreams and dreams meant nothing, that was what he’d told himself, but was it really true? Could you really dismiss them so easily when you dreamt of the same thing all night, every night, night after night? Given that, it really did seem like his subconscious was trying to tell him something. Ardwin didn’t want to listen to it. He didn’t want to respond to it. Unfortunately, now he was being forced to do both—and was finding it impossible to think of a refutation. It seemed that, until he could resolve his thoughts into some semblance of order, Ardwin would have to pursue the same old course of action that he always fell into: doing exactly what the lucario wanted him to do. Or, in this case, letting the lucario do whatever he wanted [i]to[/i] him. In this case, that was pounding Ardwin’s ass, which he’d continued to do all throughout his trainer’s episode of mental turmoil. Though it didn’t seem as if he’d be doing it for much longer. The lucario’s thrusts had become shorter and as fast as his stance would permit—however developed his balance and dexterity might’ve been, having to keep his toes lodged in the mouth of Sonar below put something of a limit on his speed. It still wasn’t slow by any means, and it was certainly still enough to have Ardwin feeling every time the lucario’s knot slammed against his hole. He seemed intent on forcing it inside, and as usual, it didn’t seem like that was going to be a problem. It wouldn’t have been even in the worst case scenario, given the lucario’s long-standing strategy of ‘make it fit’, but after the day-long stretching that Ardwin had received, there wouldn’t be any effort needed to put that strategy into action. Ardwin could feel himself starting to give way with every one of the lucario’s thrusts, as if his muscles were being beaten into submission. Submission that came quite suddenly, sooner than Ardwin had expected; another thrust from the lucario, and his body simply gave way, allowing the knot that had been so doggedly trying to gain entrance inside. It slipped past Ardwin’s asshole, making the trainer’s cock jump up and slap against his belly for the trouble, and that was all. Quick and easy, words rarely used to describe knotting, but most people didn’t get knotted nearly as much as Ardwin did on a daily basis. That frequency meant he was well and familiar with everything that was going to happen next. The lucario went through all the familiar motions. The small humping motions, drinking in the tightness now gripping his knot, that last bit of stimulation needed for him to finish. Then, the stretching as that knot started to grow, swelling up to tie them together and fulfill its purpose. And the reaction of Ardwin’s body to all of that was just as rote. The increased size of that knot translated directly to increased pressure on his prostate, and the way the lucario was rocking his hips meant that it was grinding against it, almost massaging it. That kind of stimulation meant that, in spite of the lucario no doubt being only seconds away from his own release, Ardwin was the first to finish. His cock bounced up once and slapped against his stomach before letting loose a thick spurt of cum, travelling along an arc that gravity quickly dragged down until the globs of white he’d shot off came to splatter down across the chest of the noivern below. Sonar didn’t particularly care. Hardly even noticed it, in fact, aside from a dim registration that the fact that Ardwin cumming meant that he finally had permission to cum, himself. Or was it the lucario whose orgasm he was waiting on? He didn’t really remember, nor did he care. Both of them were so intertwined as to be practically the same. So rather than waste his time racking his memory, he simply changed the speed of his stroking, abandoning edging in favour of finally reaching his peak. Ardwin didn’t notice Sonar finally shooting his long-awaited load all over his chest. The lucario glanced it out of the corner of his eye, but it barely caught his attention. His focus was purely situated on his own satisfaction, coming after that of the other two, but lacking nothing in terms of magnitude. He let out a howl, an animal noise that left no question as to the wildness of what all the world perceived to be Ardwin’s tame pokémon. Then, with a throb that Ardwin could feel roll through the lucario’s cock and up into his guts, he came. It felt just like every other time the lucario used him. Ardwin felt the jets of heat shooting into him as the lucario let off spurt after spurt of cum, the warmth of it quickly spreading out to suffuse his insides. He could feel the liquid weight of it pooling inside him. It was a feeling that seemed the draw out the sensations of Ardwin’s own orgasm, as he was sure the clenching of his body around the lucario’s cock drew out his—both of them locked together in sympathetic pleasure. And then, just the same as every other time, it wound down. All three of them were left panting, Sonar laid out flat on the ground with the lucario’s paw still in his mouth, Ardwin held in the lucario’s arms, and the lucario himself still in that odd position leaning against the wall for support. It was a good thing the lucario was as strong as he was, and that cumming didn’t tend to leave him weak in the knees, or else things might’ve come to a rougher sort of finish than any of them would’ve liked. He’d clearly gotten tired with the position, though, because he tugged his hindpaw free from Sonar’s mouth, a series of pops accompanying the release of each toe from the noivern’s muzzle, then planted it back firmly on the floor. “Oh, good boy,” the lucario said, nuzzling his snout into the crook of Ardwin’s neck. “[i]Very[/i] good boy. Hmm...” Ardwin felt the lucario pull his hips back, testing just how tightly Ardwin’s ass was wrapped around his knot. Ardwin sucked in a breath through his teeth at the feeling of that tugging. Sometimes, the lucario could tug his knot free after hardly more than a minute; sometimes, they were tied together for however long it took for his knot to go down, all based on the seemingly arbitrary whims of his body. Today, it seemed like his muscles were locked down, intent on keeping that knot inside him at all costs. “Well,” the lucario said, “while we wait, how about you get down there and clean up the mess that Sonar’s made of himself? Wouldn’t you like that?” As the lucario lowered himself down onto his knees so that he could set Ardwin down onto the floor and over top of Sonar, face positioned right over the streaks of white he’d left across his belly, Ardwin wondered if he really would like that. And he found himself without an answer. --- How long had it been since the lucario had decided to play his trump card? A week? No, it was Tuesday, meaning six days. So not even a week, and his plan had already run itself through brilliantly, executed to pure perfection. He was sitting sprawled out on a recliner. Definite change from the wild, that. The lucario had grown quite fond of the sort of soft furniture that humans tended to surround themselves with, and the recliner definitely had to be one of the best in that category. Something of a rarity as far as hotel rooms went, though. He’d have to remember which hotel this was so they could come back to it in the future. But he wasn’t just lounging around purely for relaxation. He was waiting for something. Going off the sound of approaching footsteps, though, it didn’t seem like he’d be waiting for much longer. His two teammates—if such a word still applied, implying such non-existent equality as it did—rounded the corner. And they weren’t naked. If the lucario had wanted them naked, he wouldn’t be waiting. Nakedness had become the dress of the day whenever they were in private, so if that was what he desired, he’d just grab them wherever they stood and had his way with them. No, they were done up in outfits that he’d felt were special enough to warrant this little waiting game. The first piece of clothing either wore, if it could be described as ‘clothing’, were the collars. Sonar’s was a subdued red, standing out against the white fur of his neck and matching pleasantly with the green of the rest of his body. Ardwin’s was the same purple band that he’d bought for the lucario and wound up wearing himself. Again, typical, though Sonar’s was still relatively new. The rest of it was what he was really interested in. The two of them were dressed up in matching sets of pink, frilly lingerie: leggings, panties, even arm warmers—the lucario had felt that it just looked a bit bare without some colour in the upper regions. Sonar’s anatomy had presented some difficulties, particularly when it came to getting arm warmers that would accommodate wings and leggings that could be fit to digitigrade legs, but it turned out there were suppliers online who specialized in such things. Online only, of course. No brick and mortar would be caught dead dealing in such salacious goods. Sonar seemed quite eager for the opportunity to show off his new digs, bursting with enthusiasm. Ardwin less so, but the lucario hadn’t expected him to develop any sort of excitement about his duties overnight. He merely had to perform them without question or complaint. That was what distinguished his new behaviour from that of last week: no questions, no complaints. The lucario had put too many questions in Ardwin’s head for him to come out with any of his own. A grin split his muzzle, brought out as much from the sight of the two in front of him as his own thoughts. Questions weren’t the only thing that he’d put in Ardwin’s head. It was amazing just how much stock humans placed in dreams, as if they weren’t something any psychic could implant or meddle with as they pleased—or anyone with a bit of aura manipulation under their belt, for that matter. It wasn’t as if he was doing any heavy lifting like trying to purge memories or fabricate new ones out of whole cloth, stuff that really would require a psychic. All he did was dredge up some old feelings, inject some positive emotions, and bam: the groundwork was laid to pressure Ardwin into doing exactly what he wanted in the name of being true to his ‘inner self’. The lucario beckoned the two of them forward with a paw, and they shuffled forward accordingly, Sonar with a bit more vim and vigour in his step than Ardwin. Another motion, and he had them both on their knees before him, faces pointed up in anticipation of his next order. A wave of a paw in a specific way, and those faces were buried in his lap, mouth and muzzle seeking out his sheath. They lapped at it and each other in equal measure, Ardwin and Sonar swapping seamlessly between kissing one another and kissing the opening of the lucario’s sheath, licking around and even inside in an effort to draw out his full glory. He leaned back and luxuriated in the feel of it, letting out a pleasured sigh through his nostrils. Ah, Ardwin. He could still feel the human grappling with those confusing feelings from time to time. The lucario was glad that he himself had no such inner conflict. He had two cute boys willing and eager—well, one willing, one eager—to lick his paws and choke on his knot whenever the urge struck him. What else could a ‘mon want? Well, maybe a couple things. He had been toying with the idea of getting that ‘trainer’ of his to pick up a few more pokémon. The idea of having a harem did tickle his fancy a bit. But that was a project for later, after he’d finished pounding his knot into the two currently lapping at his cock. After all, it was a trainer’s duty to make sure the needs of his team were satisfied.